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Data Release for Luminescence: Neotectonic Mapping of Puerto Rico
This report details the luminescence ages and characteristics of four (4) samples that were collected by Jessica Jobe and Rich Briggs of the USGS. These samples are from Holocene and Pleistocene sediments offset by a fault that is exposed in a road cut. The roadcut is in Puerto Rico at 18.003828 and -67.140249 with an elevation of 13.5 m. The sample depths from the modern surface varied...
Data and model code in support of machine learning nitrate modeling study
We developed a suite of models using deep learning to make hindcast predictions of the 7-day average backward-looking nitrate concentration at 46 predominantly agricultural sites across the midwestern and eastern United States. The models used daily observations of discharge and meteorological variables and static watershed attributes describing anthropogenic modification to hydrology...
Surface Elevation Tablet Measurements from 10 USGS Sites Along the US Atlantic Coast (2005-2020)
Here we provide data used to report on changes in tidal marsh elevation in relation to our network of 20 fixed benchmarks located across a geographically broad network of coastal elevation monitoring stations with standard monitoring protocols. This dataset includes Surface Elevation Table (SET) measurements taken from 10 sites along the US Atlantic coast, ranging from Virginia to Maine...
Status and trends of adult Lost River (Deltistes luxatus) and shortnose (Chasmistes brevirostris) sucker populations in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2024 (ver. 2.0, October 2024)
Data were collected as part of a long-term capture-recapture program to assess the population dynamics of two long-lived, federally endangered catostomids in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Lost River suckers (LRS; Deltistes luxatus) and shortnose suckers (SNS; Chasmistes brevirostris) have been captured and tagged with passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags during their spawning...
Mars Sample Return HiRISE Mosaics for Terrain Relative Navigation
In order to support the landing and operations of NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) previously generated Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and orthoimage mosaics of the floor of Jezero crater. Over four years of operations, Perseverance has collected numerous samples while climbing the western rim of Jezero and has travelled beyond the extent of the...
Diet Data from Fecal DNA Metabarcoding and Video Camera Collars from the Porcupine Caribou Herd, Alaska and Yukon
These diet data were collected from the Porcupine caribou herd in northern Alaska and Yukon in summer 2021 during 4 periods: calving (occasion 1), post-calving (occasion 2), mosquito harassment (occasion 3), and mid-summer (occasion 4). Diet data was determined by two distinct techniques: DNA metabarcoding data from fecal pellets and video data from camera collars deployed on adult...
Streamgage Attributes, Basin Characteristics, Subsidies from Glacier Mass Loss, and Streamflow Statistics, Selected Streamgages in Alaska, 2000-2019
This data package contains 3 tables presenting site selection information, basin characteristics, subsidy to streamflow from glacier mass loss data, and other streamflow statistics for selected streamgages in Alaska that were used to evaluate the influence of glacier mass loss on streamflow in Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada. The first ("site_selection_outcomes.csv") contains...
Wetland transformations for three relative sea-level rise scenarios along the middle and upper Texas Coast, wetland current condition map and wetland transformation maps by decade, sea-level rise scenario, and coastal wetland drowning threshold
As sea levels rise, wetlands can adapt to changing conditions through vertical development (that is, soil surface elevation gains via biophysical feedbacks) and horizontal migration into upslope areas. Elevation-based models of wetland transformation from sea-level rise are often hampered from a variety of sources of uncertainty, including contemporary elevation and water levels and...
Multisource Discrete Chlorophyll Data in the Illinois River Basin, 1976–2023
This data release contains discrete chlorophyll data, specifically corrected chlorophyll a, uncorrected chlorophyll a, and pheophytin pigments, from inland waters in the Illinois River Basin for 1981–2023. These data are discrete samples (collected in the field and analyzed in the laboratory) of plankton (suspended algae) and periphyton (benthic algae) from lakes, streams, rivers, canals...
Long-term change on barrier islands and barrier shorelines from extreme storms and restoration along the north central Gulf of Mexico coast
These data utilize existing land cover products and elevation information to provide information on changes on barrier islands and barrier shorelines along the north central Gulf of Mexico coast. Specifically, this data release includes information on changes in subaerial land, habitat types, and high-tide flooding for barrier islands and barrier shorelines along the north central Gulf...
Species of Greatest Conservation Need National Database 2005-2022
The Species of Greatest Conservation Need National Database is an aggregation of lists from State Wildlife Action Plans. Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) are wildlife species that need conservation attention as listed in action plans. In this database, we have validated scientific names from original documents against taxonomic authorities to increase consistency among names...
Structure-from-Motion derived point clouds and orthomosaic images of reference sections of the Brallier and Foreknobs Formations, Baker, WV
This dataset consists of Structure-from-Motion (SfM) - derived point clouds and highly detailed orthomosaic images of four roadcut exposures covering the upper part of the Harrell Shale, the full Brallier Formation, the full Foreknobs Formation, and the lower part of the Hampshire Formation at Baker, West Virginia. For each roadcut exposure, two datasets are published: an orthomosaic...