Leadership Lending Library
Over 400 leadership and management book titles are available to USGS employees through the USGS Library
Human Capital
The USGS Human Capital Office is a cohesive, collaborative team of professionals dedicated to creating partnerships with employees and leadership focused on supporting all USGS mission areas. With a strong commitment to provide high quality service to our customers, we ensure that the USGS has the Right People, in the Right Jobs with the Right Skills.
Quick Links
Here are links to a number of frequently used sites. The site A to Z list also provides links to various USGS human resources pages of interest.
Anti-Harassment Program
The USGS is committed to fostering a workplace environment that is free from discrimination and harassment of any kind, and unlawful retaliation. Please view the Anti-Harassment Program web page for additional information and resources. September 2018
Office of Human Resources Customer Service Plan