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Evaluations of FSim burn probability maps for pyromes of the conterminous United States based on observed wildfire perimeters

The FSim wildfire simulation model is widely used to generate estimates of burn probability (BP). However, few studies have compared BP models to subsequent wildfires to assess their suitability for estimating near-future wildfire risk. Here, we compared the U.S.D.A. Forest Service’s publicly available BP map for the conterminous U.S. (Short et al., 2020; Dillon et al., 2023) to observed...

Bsal Not Detected After Pet Release in Western Massachusetts Pond

These data have been collected by the United States Geological Survey’s Northeast Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (USGS NEARMI) scientists. We collected these data to examine if Bsal was introduced to a site where there was a known pet release in Western, Massachusetts.

Orthomosaic of Semisopochnoi Island, Alaska from Historical Aerial Photographs

This data release provides a single 8-bit grayscale GeoTIFF orthomosaic of Semisopochnoi Island, in Aleutian Archipelago of Alaska (georeferenced in NAD 1983 UTM Zone 60N; EPSG:3373). The orthomosaic was derived from 31 black and white single frame aerial photographs taken in 1952. Also included are the non-georeferenced scans of the original aerial photographs.

Soil water balance, groundwater flow, and stream temperature models for Beaver Creek, Alaska, 2019 to 2050

A combined soil water balance, groundwater flow and stream temperature model was developed to simulate stream temperature under historical and future conditions. Soil-Water-Balance code was used to estimate net infiltration past the root zone and surface runoff, which were applied to a transient, three-dimensional MODFLOW 6 model to simulate the water budget for Beaver Creek and the...

Biological, Hydrological, Water Quality, and Land Use Data Inputs for Alabama Ecohydrology Study (10-01-1999 to 09-30-2014)

The effects of high- and low-flow conditions on biological communities in Alabama streams were investigated by utilizing data on benthic macroinvertebrates, fish communities, hydrology, land use, and water quality. Biological data from streams and rivers in the Mobile River basin and other Gulf Coast drainages was collected from 278 sites between 1999 and 2014. These sites' upstream...

Elevation Data from Fountain Creek between Colorado Springs and the Confluence of Fountain Creek at the Arkansas River, Colorado, 2024

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Colorado Springs Utilities, has been collecting topographic data annually since 2012 at 10 study areas along Fountain Creek, Colorado. The 10 study areas are located along Fountain Creek between Colorado Springs and the confluence of Fountain Creek and the Arkansas River in Pueblo. This data release presents topographic survey data, Light...

Data Release: Bee and plant inventory data from four national parks in Maryland and Virginia, USA, 2021–2022

This data release is for all native bee and plant records collected at four national parks in Maryland and Virginia, 2021 and 2022. The purpose of the study was to document the floral resources and native bees that depend on them within variously-managed park grasslands, with the goal of providing managers with information that will help them maximize pollinator habitat while...

Multiple-Well Aquifer Test Data from boreholes NRF-17 and NRF-18, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Naval Reactor Facilities (NRF), conducted single-well aquifer tests in the eastern Snake River Plain (ESRP) aquifer on newly constructed wells, NRF-17 (Alias name USGS 151, Site ID 433846112540701) and NRF-18 (Alias name USGS 152, Site ID 433906112553401). Water level, barometric pressure, air...

Hydrogeologic framework database and model, Mountain Home area, southern Idaho

Groundwater in the arid Mountain Home area is vital to agricultural, municipal, industrial and other water users who are concerned about declining groundwater levels. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Idaho Department of Water Resources, developed a hydrogeologic framework to provide a conceptual understanding of groundwater resources in the Mountain Home area, which is...

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Amphibians in the North Central United States

Climate change is a primary threat to biodiversity, but for most species, we still lack information required to assess their potential vulnerability to changes. Climate change vulnerability assessment (CCVA) is a widely-used technique to rank relative vulnerability to climate change based on species distributions, habitat associations, environmental tolerances, and life-history traits...

Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) natural color imagery and structure-from-motion data products collected at the Marsh-Felch Dinosaur Quarry site in Colorado, July 2024

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Uncrewed Systems Office (NUSO) supported the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program’s Geoheritage Sites of the Nation Project in July of 2024 with the collection of UAS-based high-resolution imagery of the Marsh-Felch Quarry site at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Garden Park Fossil Area. One of the most complete dinosaur...

Satellite images used to test a sundial method for inferring image acquisition time from shadow orientation

This data release provides satellite images used to test a method for inferring image acquisition time from shadow orientation. For many applications, such as linking remotely sensed data to streamflow recorded at a gaging station, knowing the time an image is acquired is important, but such metadata often is not available. The sundial method is a simple means of inferring image...
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