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Computational notebook to plot offset measurements along strike-slip faults

November 7, 2024

This computational notebook is intended to visualize any dataset of offset measurements along a fault, including datasets for single or multiple earthquakes. It is used to plot recent, geomorphic, and synthetic offset measurements for the companion manuscript: Limited preservation of strike-slip surface displacement in the geomorphic record by N.G. Reitman, Y. Klinger, R. Briggs, and R. Gold in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

This computational notebook (plot_offsets.ipynb) plots offset measurements and their uncertainties along faults. The notebook can plot offset measurements along faults of all rakes (strike-slip, normal, and reverse) and faults with single or multiple earthquakes. It can handle datasets from one or multiple faults simultaneously.. The input is one comma-separated variable (CSV) file for each dataset with the columns (1) offset measurements, (2) offset measurement minimums, (3) offset measurement maximums, and (4) distance along the fault for each measurement. The output is a figure that depicts the measurements with six treatments:

A plot of offset measurements with uncertainty plotted by distance along the fault.
All offset measurements with uncertainty plotted from largest to smallest.
A two-dimensional (2D) cumulative offset probability density (COPD) plot depicting offset amount and offset probability by distance along the fault.
A one-dimensional COPD (1D-COPD) depicting offset amount and offset probability.
A 2D kernel density estimate (KDE) depicting offset amount, measurement density, and distance along the fault.
A 1D-KDE depicting offset amount and measurement density. 

Explanation of Data:
This data release contains two files: 1) the Jupyter notebook to plot offset measurements (plot_offsets.ipynb) and 2) a CSV file containing a sample dataset (synthetic_data_test.csv) of synthetic offset measurements from five earthquakes with 30% random noise added to simulate slip variability, measurement uncertainty, and geomorphic change.
The columns in the CSV file are 1) offset in meters, 2) offset maximum in meters, 3) offset minimum in meters, and 4) distance along the fault. The columns may be in any order as long as they are named in a header row: “offset”, “offset_min”, “offset_max”, “distance”.
Within the notebook, the user can select the type of probability density function (PDF) to construct for each offset measurement. The choices are “normal” for normal (Gaussian) PDFs with the center of the distribution at the offset value; “truncnormal” for normal PDFs with the center at the offset value and truncated at offset_min and offset_max; “triangle” for triangular PDFs with the center at the offset value and limits at offset_min and offset_max; and “uniform” for uniform PDFs with limits at offset_min and offset_max. The companion manuscript uses the “norm” PDF type, which includes the largest uncertainty bounds of the four distribution types.

Publication Year 2024
Title Computational notebook to plot offset measurements along strike-slip faults
DOI 10.5066/P9UK2UQ1
Authors Nadine G Reitman, Yann Klinger, Richard Briggs, Ryan D Gold
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Geologic Hazards Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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