TM24-04 Verification of segmented flow analyzer for the analysis of phosphorus at low-level operational range

Detailed Description
This technical memorandum provides method verification data for determination of phosphorus in samples at a low operation range (0.003 mg/L - 0.2 mg/L; hereafter referred to as LL Phosphorus) using source method USEPA 365.1, modified (O’Dell, J.W., 1993). It is important to note the operation range for USEPA method 365.1 is 0.01 to 1.0 mg/L while the low-level operation range for the LL phosphorus methods verified here is 0.003 to 0.200 mg/L. The instrumentation for analysis of LL phosphorus has been updated, but no changes in coding (method code, or lab codes) are necessary. Results from a paired sample study are provided to allow data users the ability to compare results from the new instrument and historical results. Comparison data suggests that stakeholders will experience little to no change in
analytical results for acidified and unacidified LL Phosphorus on the new analytical platform.
Public Domain.