F1 East Transect – 2011
Detailed Description
Permanent Site: F1 East Transect; Depth: 6.2 Meters (20.4 Feet); Distance from river mouth: 1.3 Kilometers (0.8 Miles) east; Pre/Post Dam Removal: 1 month pre-dam removal; Lat/Long: 48.15292999, -123.55011402; Site Description: Video is blurry and of poor quality. This is a shallow site with gravel substrate. Algae is abundant, especially three-ribbed kelp Cymathere triplicate (0:09, 0:37 seconds), Alaria marginata (0:14, 1:00 seconds) and the perennial seaweed Pterygophora californica (0:19, 0:52 seconds). Invertebrates are scarce.
Public Domain.