Regional Preparedness Resources
- Volcanic Ashfall Impacts Website—A compendium of information about ash effects and recommended actions.
- International Volcanic Ash Human Health Network—Experts in diverse scientific disciplines work to determine the health effects of volcanic emissions, in particular the health hazard of inhaling volcanic ashand gas.
- Red Cross Volcano Hazards Preparedness—Steps to take to prepare, survive, and recover from a volcanic eruption.
-—Exhaustive resource for preparing for volcanoes and other natural disasters.
- Centers for Disease Control—Great advice on preparing for volcanic eruptions and what to do during and after eruptive events.
- Environmental Protection Agency—General preparedness and response information for natural disasters.
- Municipality of Anchorage—Volcanic ash preparedness information specifically relevant to residents in the Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, Kenai Peninsula, and Cook Inlet.
- NO‘A‘ā/National Weather Service, Volcanic Ash Advisory Center, Anchorage AK—Organization responsible for providing the Alaska aviation community, other government agencies, and the public with forecasts and warnings for volcanic ash in the atmosphere.
- California Office of Emergency Services—Learn about volcanic hazards, preparedness, and recovery for areas at risk in the State of California.
- County of Hawaiʻi Civil Defense—Messages and Alerts relating to volcanic activity. This is the primary resource for evacuation information relating to activity in the County of Hawaiʻi;.
- Current Sulfur Dioxide and Particulate Conditions—Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park and USGS data showing the approximate direction and extent of volcanic gas plumes from various sources in the National Park. Advisory levels are indicate health concerns.
- Hawaii State Department of Health Short Term Sulfur Dioxide Advisories—Current sulfur dioxide (SO2) levels due to gas release from Kīlauea Volcano on the Island of Hawaiʻi.
- Vog Measurement and Prediction Project—Current conditions, discussions, and models relating to vog in the state of Hawaiʻi.
- Natural Hazards on the Island of Hawaiʻi–Volcanic Hazard Mitigation—University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo webpage dedicated to volcanic hazards on the island.
- Oregon Office of Emergency Management—Learn about geologic hazards, training, technology, and emergency response.
- Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Volcanic Hazards Information—Webpage of information and additional links to resources relating to volcanic hazards in the state of Oregon.
- Washington Emergency Management Division—News, description of hazards, preparedness tips, and training opportunities for a variety of hazards.
- Pierce County, Washington Volcanic Eruption Preparation—Website focused on volcanic eruption preparation and risk reduction, especially for the Mount Rainier region. Excellent general resources are also available.
- Washington State Department of Health—What to do before or after a volcanic eruption and what to do if there is ash fall in your area.
- Washington State Department of Natural Resources Volcano and Lahar Hazards—Section of website dedicated to understanding volcano and lahar hazards as well as Emergency Preparedness.
- Whatcom County Volcano Preparedness—Information about preparing for an eruption of Mount Baker.
- Skagit County Emergency Management—Eruption and volcanic hazard preparedness information for events from Glacier Peak and Mount Baker.
- Snohomish County Volcano Preparedness—Information relating to eruption history and preparedness for Glacier Peak.
Regional Preparedness Resources
- Volcanic Ashfall Impacts Website—A compendium of information about ash effects and recommended actions.
- International Volcanic Ash Human Health Network—Experts in diverse scientific disciplines work to determine the health effects of volcanic emissions, in particular the health hazard of inhaling volcanic ashand gas.
- Red Cross Volcano Hazards Preparedness—Steps to take to prepare, survive, and recover from a volcanic eruption.
-—Exhaustive resource for preparing for volcanoes and other natural disasters.
- Centers for Disease Control—Great advice on preparing for volcanic eruptions and what to do during and after eruptive events.
- Environmental Protection Agency—General preparedness and response information for natural disasters.
- Municipality of Anchorage—Volcanic ash preparedness information specifically relevant to residents in the Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, Kenai Peninsula, and Cook Inlet.
- NO‘A‘ā/National Weather Service, Volcanic Ash Advisory Center, Anchorage AK—Organization responsible for providing the Alaska aviation community, other government agencies, and the public with forecasts and warnings for volcanic ash in the atmosphere.
- California Office of Emergency Services—Learn about volcanic hazards, preparedness, and recovery for areas at risk in the State of California.
- County of Hawaiʻi Civil Defense—Messages and Alerts relating to volcanic activity. This is the primary resource for evacuation information relating to activity in the County of Hawaiʻi;.
- Current Sulfur Dioxide and Particulate Conditions—Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park and USGS data showing the approximate direction and extent of volcanic gas plumes from various sources in the National Park. Advisory levels are indicate health concerns.
- Hawaii State Department of Health Short Term Sulfur Dioxide Advisories—Current sulfur dioxide (SO2) levels due to gas release from Kīlauea Volcano on the Island of Hawaiʻi.
- Vog Measurement and Prediction Project—Current conditions, discussions, and models relating to vog in the state of Hawaiʻi.
- Natural Hazards on the Island of Hawaiʻi–Volcanic Hazard Mitigation—University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo webpage dedicated to volcanic hazards on the island.
- Oregon Office of Emergency Management—Learn about geologic hazards, training, technology, and emergency response.
- Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Volcanic Hazards Information—Webpage of information and additional links to resources relating to volcanic hazards in the state of Oregon.
- Washington Emergency Management Division—News, description of hazards, preparedness tips, and training opportunities for a variety of hazards.
- Pierce County, Washington Volcanic Eruption Preparation—Website focused on volcanic eruption preparation and risk reduction, especially for the Mount Rainier region. Excellent general resources are also available.
- Washington State Department of Health—What to do before or after a volcanic eruption and what to do if there is ash fall in your area.
- Washington State Department of Natural Resources Volcano and Lahar Hazards—Section of website dedicated to understanding volcano and lahar hazards as well as Emergency Preparedness.
- Whatcom County Volcano Preparedness—Information about preparing for an eruption of Mount Baker.
- Skagit County Emergency Management—Eruption and volcanic hazard preparedness information for events from Glacier Peak and Mount Baker.
- Snohomish County Volcano Preparedness—Information relating to eruption history and preparedness for Glacier Peak.