ArbolateSumKM |
Sum of the lengths of all the drains that drain to the downstream end of the current drain. |
Double |
True |
DivergenceFlag |
If this drain is 1 branch of a flow split, 1=drain is main branch, 2=otherwise, 0= drain not a branch of flow split. |
Long Integer |
True |
DnDrainCount |
Number of drains immediately downstream. |
Long Integer |
True |
DnLevel |
Stream level of drain. |
Long Integer |
True |
DnLevelPathID |
Level path ID of downstream drain. |
Double |
True |
DnMinHydroSeq |
At a divergence, the Hydro sequence number of the minor downstream drain. |
Double |
True |
FDate |
Date of last feature modification. |
Date |
False |
8 |
FromNode |
Nationally unique ID for the "from" node endpoint of the drain. |
Double |
True |
HydroSeq |
Nationally unique sequence number that places the reach in hydrologic sequence. |
Double |
True |
LevelPathID |
Hydro Sequence No. of downstream drain that is on the same level path as this drain according to the DFlow Table. |
Double |
True |
Internal feature or event number. |
False |
PathLengthKM |
Distance from this drain pourpoint to its terminal drain's pourpoint according to the DFlow Table. |
Double |
True |
Permanent_Identifier |
A 40-character globally unique ID (GUID) value that uniquely identifies the occurrence of each feature or event in The National Map. |
Text |
False |
40 |
StartFlag |
Set to '1' if the drain is a headwater drain according to the DFlow Table, otherwise '0'. |
Long Integer |
True |
NoYesDomain |
StreamLevel |
Drain_level of the downstream mainstem drain. |
Long Integer |
True |
StreamOrder |
Strahler stream order number for the drain. |
Long Integer |
True |
TerminalFlag |
Set to '1' if drain is a terminal drain (flows into ocean, Great Lakes, Canada, Mex. or the ground) otherwise set to '0'. |
Long Integer |
True |
NoYesDomain |
TerminalPathID |
Hydrologic sequence number of terminal flowline. |
Double |
True |
ThinnerCode |
Ordinal value designed to allow selection of progressively more dense networks. Least dense network=1. |
Long Integer |
True |
ToNode |
Nationally unique ID for the "to" node endpoint of the drain. |
Double |
True |
UpHydroSeq |
Hydro Sequence No. of upstream mainstem drain. |
Double |
True |
UpLevelPathId |
LevelPathID of upstream mainstem drain. |
Double |
True |
UpMinHydroSeq |
Minimum Hydro Sequence No. of all upstream drains. |
Double |
True |