Selected geophysical data for research. Products derived from these data are also available on the Products webpage.
Web Services
Web Services for real-time and catalog earthquakes, hazard maps, slabs, and more.
Seismic Waveforms
- Real-time:
- Waveform Data - Seismological Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience (SAGE), formerly IRIS
- Strong Motion Data:
- Seismic Stations
- International Registry of Stations
- GSN Station Info and Network Status
- ANSS Station Info and Network Status
Geodetic Data
Currently to make geodetic observations the USGS uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) and also other techniques. (creepmeters, tiltmeters, strainmeters, magnetometers, pore pressure monitors).
Earth Structure and Site Response
Ground Motion and Site Conditions
The data obtained from active source studies are archived at SAGE and/or at the National Geophysical Data Center. USGS also provides access to certain data sets.
- Landslide hazard maps and data:
Other Data Sources
- Cascadia Subduction Zone Database
- Parkfield Geophysical Data
- Flinn-Engdahl Regionalization
- Rupture Directions for Selected Northern California Earthquakes
- USGS Marine Seismic Reflection Data
Information and Data Outside of USGS
Non-USGS sites that host various geophysical, geodetic, and geologic data pertinent to earthquake studies:
- U.S Regional and Cooperating Networks
- SCECDC - Southern California Earthquake Data Center
- NCEDC - Northern California Earthquake Data Center
- SAGE - Seismological Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience
- NOAA Earthquake Data and Information
- ISC-International Seismological Centre
- CGS-California Geological Survey
- GEM-Global Earthquake Model
- EM-DAT: The International Disaster Database
- Finite-Source Rupture Model Database - eQuake-RC
- SCEC Community Velocity Model
- Exotic Seismic Events Catalog - IRIS
- LiDAR databases:
Selected geophysical data for research. Products derived from these data are also available on the Products webpage.
Web Services
Web Services for real-time and catalog earthquakes, hazard maps, slabs, and more.
Seismic Waveforms
- Real-time:
- Waveform Data - Seismological Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience (SAGE), formerly IRIS
- Strong Motion Data:
- Seismic Stations
- International Registry of Stations
- GSN Station Info and Network Status
- ANSS Station Info and Network Status
Geodetic Data
Currently to make geodetic observations the USGS uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) and also other techniques. (creepmeters, tiltmeters, strainmeters, magnetometers, pore pressure monitors).
Earth Structure and Site Response
Ground Motion and Site Conditions
The data obtained from active source studies are archived at SAGE and/or at the National Geophysical Data Center. USGS also provides access to certain data sets.
- Landslide hazard maps and data:
Other Data Sources
- Cascadia Subduction Zone Database
- Parkfield Geophysical Data
- Flinn-Engdahl Regionalization
- Rupture Directions for Selected Northern California Earthquakes
- USGS Marine Seismic Reflection Data
Information and Data Outside of USGS
Non-USGS sites that host various geophysical, geodetic, and geologic data pertinent to earthquake studies:
- U.S Regional and Cooperating Networks
- SCECDC - Southern California Earthquake Data Center
- NCEDC - Northern California Earthquake Data Center
- SAGE - Seismological Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience
- NOAA Earthquake Data and Information
- ISC-International Seismological Centre
- CGS-California Geological Survey
- GEM-Global Earthquake Model
- EM-DAT: The International Disaster Database
- Finite-Source Rupture Model Database - eQuake-RC
- SCEC Community Velocity Model
- Exotic Seismic Events Catalog - IRIS
- LiDAR databases: