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A proposed streamflow data program for Oklahoma

January 1, 1970
An evaluation of the streamflow data available in Oklahoma has been made to provide guidelines for planning future data-collection programs. The basic steps in the evaluation procedure were (1) definition of the long-terms goals of the streamflow-data program in quantitative form, (2) examination and analysis of streamflow data to determine which goals have been met, and (3) consideration of alternate programs and techniques to meet the remaining goals. The study defines the individual relation between certain statistical streamflow characteristics and selected basin parameters. This relation is a multiple regression equation that could be used on a statewide basis to compute a selected natural-flow characteristic at any site on a stream. The study shows that several streamflow characteristics can be estimated within an accuracy equivalent to 10 years of record by use of a regression related to at least three climatic or basin parameters for any basin of 50 square miles or more. The study indicates that significant changes in the scope and character of the data-collection program would enhance the possibility of attaining the remaining goals. A streamflow-data program based on the guidelines developed in this study is proposed for the future.
Publication Year 1970
Title A proposed streamflow data program for Oklahoma
DOI 10.3133/ofr7032
Authors J.D. Bohn, G.L. Hoffman
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 70-32
Index ID ofr7032
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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