Eleven magnetic interpretation maps (scale 1:250,000) have been prepared for the area .of. exposed crystalline rocks in the Southern Najd and part of the Southern Tuwayq quadrangles (scale 1:500,000) from available published data. Boundaries of a variety of rock units that produce distinctive magnetic anomalies .or anomaly patterns are delineated. In some cases these magnetic boundaries correspond with previously mapped geologic contacts, and in other cases they indicate the possibility of additional, as yet unmapped, geologic contacts. The magnetic boundaries also allow the extrapolation of geologic contacts across areas covered by Quaternary deposits. Many boundaries are identified as part of the Najd fault system, and offset magnetic anomalies may be correlated across certain fault zones. Approximate dips were calculated for a few boundaries that represent igneous contacts, faults, or unconformities. Some characteristic anomalies appear to be associated in a general way with areas of gold mineralization and thus provide a guide for further prospecting.