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Annotated bibliography of selected references on ground-water resources and geohydrology of the Louisville area, Kentucky, 1944-93

January 1, 1994

Ground water resources in the Louisville area have long been the subject of intense research and investigation. Many investigations have resulted in reports that cover a variety of topics relative to the availability and use of ground water. This bibliography was prepared because of the continued interest in ground water in the Louisville area and the need for a single source of selected references published since 1944. The bibliography is intended to assist interested parties in finding needed information but is not intended to be a complete compilation of all references. The annotated bibliography provides a synopsis of 36 reports and 4 geologic maps.

Publication Year 1994
Title Annotated bibliography of selected references on ground-water resources and geohydrology of the Louisville area, Kentucky, 1944-93
DOI 10.3133/ofr9475
Authors J.J. Starn, D. S. Mull
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 94-75
Index ID ofr9475
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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