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Estimating hydraulic properties using a moving-model approach and multiple aquifer tests

January 1, 2006

A new method was developed for characterizing geohydrologic columns that extended >600 m deep at sites with as many as six discrete aquifers. This method was applied at 12 sites within the Southwest Florida Water Management District. Sites typically were equipped with multiple production wells, one for each aquifer and one or more observation wells per aquifer. The average hydraulic properties of the aquifers and confining units within radii of 30 to >300 m were characterized at each site. Aquifers were pumped individually and water levels were monitored in stressed and adjacent aquifers during each pumping event. Drawdowns at a site were interpreted using a radial numerical model that extended from land surface to the base of the geohydrologic column and simulated all pumping events. Conceptually, the radial model moves between stress periods and recenters on the production well during each test. Hydraulic conductivity was assumed homogeneous and isotropic within each aquifer and confining unit. Hydraulic property estimates for all of the aquifers and confining units were consistent and reasonable because results from multiple aquifers and pumping events were analyzed simultaneously. Copyright ?? 2005 National Ground Water Association.

Publication Year 2006
Title Estimating hydraulic properties using a moving-model approach and multiple aquifer tests
DOI 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2005.00109.x
Authors K. J. Halford, D. Yobbi
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Ground Water
Index ID 70030653
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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