Data concerning suspended sediment concentrations and loads, frequency of occurrence of suspended sediment concentrations, and long-term trends of annual suspended sediment loads are important tools for today's environmental manager. These data are required background for those concerned with establishing and enforcing erosion and sedimentation control regulations and sediment concentration or turbidity standards for water-quality criteria, or those concerned with designing for adequate long-term water storage in reservoirs (sediment load), for efficient municipal and industrial plant operation (sediment concentration frequency), etc.
This is a compilation of the location, period of record, sampling frequency and type of data synthesis for suspended sediment carried by Pennsylvania streams. Figures 1 and 2 show the approximate locations of sediment sampling stations in Pennsylvania. All of the sediment data listed were collected by the U. S. Geological Survey mainly in cooperation with the following Federal, State, and local agencies.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources
Bureau of Engineering and Construction
Soil and Water Conservation Commission
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
City of Philadelphia
Brandywine Valley Association
Delaware Geological Survey
Conestoga Valley Association
Lehigh County Soil and Water Conservation District
Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army