Affordable, Integrated Access and Delivery of U.S. Government Satel lite and Geospatial Data to the American Public
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is a leader in collecting and archiving geospatial data and information about the Earth and in distributing this information to educational institutes; local, State, and Federal agencies; private industry; and the public. The idea of providing easy, reliable access to geospatial data is the driving principle behind the USGS's efforts to develop an integrated information access and delivery capability.
The Ohio View Consortium is a group of universities, colleges, K-12 schools, libraries, and local and State government agencies in the State of Ohio working with the USGS and NASA to provide affordable, integrated access to and delivery of U.S. Government satellite and geospatial data. The Ohio View Project is a pilot project that combines the USGS activities in providing an integrated information access and delivery capability with the activities of the Ohio View Consortium