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Relocation of local earthquakes by seismic ray tracing

August 10, 1976

Seismic ray tracing is used to relocate a set of local earthquakes recorded by a dense seismic array in Bear Valley, California. The crustal velocity structure is two-dimensional and incorporates most of the known and inferred velocity differences in the region. Relocated hypocenters fall within the San Andreas fault zone, and P residuals, without elevation or station corrections, now appear to be more internally consistent in the rms sense. Ray takeoff angles and azimuths are distinctly different from those of a uniformly layered earth model. Focal mechanism solutions using only traced data are well determined and have few inconsistent data. Zones of convergence and divergence of rays suggest large variations in observed amplitudes across the local network.

Publication Year 1976
Title Relocation of local earthquakes by seismic ray tracing
DOI 10.1029/JB081i023p04400
Authors E.R. Engdahl, W.H.K. Lee
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Journal of Geophysical Research
Index ID 70209144
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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