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Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the period December 1, 1981, to November 30, 1982

January 1, 1982

The Amended Decree of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1954 established the position of Delaware River Master to administer provisions of the decree relative to diversions from the Delaware by the City of New York and the State of New Jersey , and releases from reservoirs of the City of New York designed to maintain stipulated rates of flow in the river. Reports to the Court, not less frequently than annually, with copies to the Governors and the Mayor, were stipulated. Water-supply conditions at the beginning of the year were under a status of emergency resulting from drought, which had been declared by the Delaware River Basin Commission. With the filling of the reservoirs, the emergency was lifted April 27. Runoff of Delaware River at Montague, New Jersey, was 19 percent below median during the year as compared to 28 percent below median the previous year. By November, with reservoir storage again declining, reductions in both diversions and releases were imposed. To conserve supplies, reductions were effected on November 13 limiting New York City diversions at 680 mgd and New Jersey to 85 mgd, and the required discharge at Montague was targeted at 1,655 cfs. Water quality of the Delaware River and Estuary was monitored on a continuous basis at six sites for most of the year and on a monthly basis at ten sites to accurately locate the salt front. Highest chloride concentration observed at the Chester, PA, site was 870 mg/l November 4. (USGS)

Publication Year 1982
Title Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the period December 1, 1981, to November 30, 1982
DOI 10.3133/ofr83538
Authors Francis T. Schaefer, Robert E. Fish
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 83-538
Index ID ofr83538
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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