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Scientific objectives and selection of targets for the SMART-1 Infrared Spectrometer (SIR)

January 1, 2004
The European SMART-1 mission to the Moon, primarily a testbed for innovative technologies, was launched in September 2003 and will reach the Moon in 2005. On board are several scientific instruments, including the point-spectrometer SMART-1 Infrared Spectrometer (SIR). Taking into account the capabilities of the SMART-1 mission and the SIR instrument in particular, as well as the open questions in lunar science, a selection of targets for SIR observations has been compiled. SIR can address at least five topics: (1) Surface/regolith processes; (2) Lunar volcanism; (3) Lunar crust structure; (4) Search for spectral signatures of ices at the lunar poles; and (5) Ground truth and study of geometric effects on the spectral shape. For each topic we will discuss specific observation modes, necessary to achieve our scientific goals. The majority of SIR targets will be observed in the nadir-tracking mode. More than 100 targets, which require off-nadir pointing and off-nadir tracking, are planned. It is expected that results of SIR observations will significantly increase our understanding of the Moon. Since the exact arrival date and the orbital parameters of the SMART-1 spacecraft are not known yet, a more detailed planning of the scientific observations will follow in the near future. ?? 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Publication Year 2004
Title Scientific objectives and selection of targets for the SMART-1 Infrared Spectrometer (SIR)
DOI 10.1016/j.pss.2004.09.002
Authors A.T. Basilevsky, H.U. Keller, A. Nathues, U. Mall, H. Hiesinger, M. Rosiek
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Planetary and Space Science
Index ID 70026169
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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