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Some observations on rutherfordine

January 1, 1956

The optical properties of rutherfordine, UO2CO3, previously determined on microscopic crystals, have been redetermined on considerably larger crystals; and the relations among the indices of refraction, the morphology, and the crystal structure have been examined. Rutherfordine is orthorhombic, biaxial positive, with α = 1.715, β = 1.730, γ = 1.795, 2V = 53° (calc.); X = b, Y = c (elongation, Z = a. The crystal structure of UO2CO 3 consists of layers of carbonate groups parallel to (010) with linear (O-U-O) ions normal to the layers. The indices β and γ correspond to vibration directions parallel to layers; the unexpectedly large difference in value between β and γ is ascribed to the optical anisotropy of the uranium-oxygen bonding in the layer. Indexed X-ray powder data are given.

Publication Year 1956
Title Some observations on rutherfordine
DOI 10.3133/tei584
Authors Joan R. Clark, C. L. Christ
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Trace Elements Investigations
Series Number 584
Index ID tei584
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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