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The southern California uplift and associated earthquakes

January 1, 1996

Southern California earthquakes ≥ M5.5 during the period 1955/01/01–1994/01/17 were concentrated along or adjacent to the south flank of the southern California uplift, as defined both at its culmination and following its partial collapse. Spatial clustering of these earthquakes within three more-or-less distinct groups suggests either gaps along the south flank that were previously filled or are yet to be filled. Nearly all of the indicated earthquakes accompanied or followed partial collapse of the uplift, and seismic activity within this regime seems to have been increasing through at least 1994/01/17.

Publication Year 1996
Title The southern California uplift and associated earthquakes
DOI 10.1029/96GL02894
Authors R. O. Castle, R. L. Bernknopf
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Geophysical Research Letters
Index ID 70018177
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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