The statewide average precipitation of 30.66 inches for the 1994 water year was 96 percent of the normal annual precipitation of 31.79 inches for water years 1961-90. Average precipitation values ranged from 81 percent of normal in southeastern Wisconsin to 103 percent of normal in west-central Wisconsin (Pamela Naber Knox, UW-Extension, Geological and Natural History Survey, written commun., 1994).
Runoff was variable for rivers throughout the State ranging from 60 percent in southeast Wisconsin to 142 percent in west-central Wisconsin. Runoff was lowest (60 percent of the average annual runoff from 1972-94) for the Pike River near Racine. Runoff was highest (142 percent of the average annual runoff from 1915-19, 1935-94) for the Trempealeau River at Dodge. Departure of runoff in the 1994 water year as a percent of long-term average runoff in the State are shown in Figure 4.