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Water-resources investigations in Wisconsin, 1995

January 1, 1995

The statewide average precipitation of 30.66 inches for the 1994 water year was 96 percent of the normal annual precipitation of 31.79 inches for water years 1961-90. Average precipitation values ranged from 81 percent of normal in southeastern Wisconsin to 103 percent of normal in west-central Wisconsin (Pamela Naber Knox, UW-Extension, Geological and Natural History Survey, written commun., 1994).

Runoff was variable for rivers throughout the State ranging from 60 percent in southeast Wisconsin to 142 percent in west-central Wisconsin. Runoff was lowest (60 percent of the average annual runoff from 1972-94) for the Pike River near Racine. Runoff was highest (142 percent of the average annual runoff from 1915-19, 1935-94) for the Trempealeau River at Dodge. Departure of runoff in the 1994 water year as a percent of long-term average runoff in the State are shown in Figure 4.

Publication Year 1995
Title Water-resources investigations in Wisconsin, 1995
DOI 10.3133/ofr95328
Authors D. E. Maertz
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 95-328
Index ID ofr95328
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Wisconsin Water Science Center
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