Opportunities from other Synthesis Centers
News and opportunities from fellow synthesis centers, recently circulated through the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) network.
A couple of opportunities were recently announced in the LTER Network News, which may also be of interest to the Powell Center Community.
Scientific Peers Advancing Research Collaborations (SPARC) Synthesis Proposals, 2025
SPARC awards fund travel expenses, logistical, and analytical support for a single in-person workshop, embedded in a series of virtual meetings. SPARC funding is most appropriate for development of early-stage synthesis ideas or wrap-up of an otherwise virtual project. We expect to fund 2-3 SPARC proposals in 2025. LTER synthesis groups must include LTER data (found at the Environmental Data Initiative Repository) but may be proposed and led by researchers from outside the network.
Key Dates:
- January 22, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PST: Informational Webinar
- April 9, 2025 5:00 p.m. PST: Proposal Due Date
- June 2025: Awards announced
- September 2025: Projects begin
LTER Site Exchange Opportunity
To facilitate site comparison and support the development of cross-site projects, the LTER Network Office is making eight travel fellowships available in 2025. Each fellowship will cover travel, lodging, and food expenses for a one-week trip to a different site. Site exchanges may be proposed by researchers outside the LTER network, but the proposal must explain how the exchange will benefit both the proposer and the network. Applications due March 28, 2025
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