June 21, 2024
The operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) Earth Resources Observation and Science center (EROS) Science Processing Architecture (ESPA) Open Source project provides tools for processing satellite imagery data to generate evapotranspiration (ET) products. The tools include functionalities for:
Processing ESPA files to generate ET fraction (ETf) and actual evapotranspiration (ETa) data.
Filling gaps in ETf data using linear interpolation.
Interpolating ESPA ETf data using reference ET data.
Aggregating daily ETa data into monthly, annual, and seasonal ETa products.
These tools are designed to work with ArcGIS and utilize the ArcPy library for spatial analysis.
The code is organized in a python libray and includes following files: - front end graphical user interface - backend aggregation and interpolation
More details are provided in the comments of each *.py file.
Senay, G.B., Parrish, G.E., Schauer, M., Friedrichs, M., Khand, K., Boiko, O., Kagone, S., Dittmeier, R., Arab, S. and Ji, L., (2023). Improving the operational simplified surface energy balance evapotranspiration model using the forcing and normalizing operation. Remote Sensing, 15(1), 260.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2024 |
Title | SSEBop ESPA ArcGIS |
DOI | 10.5066/P15RADBB |
Authors | Gabriel Senay, Gabriel (Contractor) E Parrish, Stefanie (Contractor) Kagone |
Product Type | Software Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |
USGS Organization | Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |