Interactive Planetary Maps
USGS IMAP 723: Geologic maps of the Apennine-Hadley region of the Moon (Apollo 15)
Carr and others (1971)
USGS IMAP 748: Geologic maps of the Descartes region of the Moon (Apollo 16)
Milton and Hodges (1972)
USGS IMAP 800: Geologic maps of the Taurus-Littrow region of the Moon (Apollo 17)
Scott and others (1972)
USGS IMAP 2289: Geologic map of the Memphis Facula Quadrangle (Jg-7) of Ganymede
Lucchitta, Barnes, and Glotfelty (1992)
USGS IMAP 703: Geologic map of the near side of the Moon
Wilhelms and McCauley (1971)
The USGS Planetary Geologic Mapping group is working to make interactive web-based versions of your favorite planetary maps. See what's new in interactive planetary maps and explore by body below. You can also click through the images above to explore some recently-released interactive maps.