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128-Mile Rapid on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon

Detailed Description

128-Mile Rapid on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Photo by Teo Melis, USGS SBSC.  This photo is a repeat photo match to a 1923 image by E.C. LaRue. The image was taken looking upstream from the top of a schist outcrop just below 128-Mile Rapid from a point on the left bank, 66.8 miles below the Little Colorado River and ½ mile below Specter Chasm, at river mile (RM) 128.4. Note changes in the debris fan that reduced the constriction of the rapid (Melis and others, 1995). The original 1923 photograph is a panoramic view, whereas this later image is at a different scale and provides a partial match. Image from SBSC's Southwest Repeat Photography Collection stake (camera point) s2034. 


Public Domain.

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