Beryllium Nodule
By National Minerals Information Center
2016 (approx.)
Detailed Description
Beryllium nodule from Spor Mountain, Utah.
Public Domain.
Beryllium: Economic Geology, Material Flow, and Global Importance of a Key Critical Mineral
Beryllium (Be) is a critical metal mineral commodity with unique chemical properties, making it indispensable to the computer, telecommunication, aerospace, medical, defense, and nuclear industries. We are studying known deposits of beryllium to determine where undiscovered beryllium resources might be found, analyzing how and where beryllium becomes concentrated in Earth’s crust, gathering a...
Beryllium: Economic Geology, Material Flow, and Global Importance of a Key Critical Mineral
Beryllium (Be) is a critical metal mineral commodity with unique chemical properties, making it indispensable to the computer, telecommunication, aerospace, medical, defense, and nuclear industries. We are studying known deposits of beryllium to determine where undiscovered beryllium resources might be found, analyzing how and where beryllium becomes concentrated in Earth’s crust, gathering a...