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Proportion of dabbling ducks wintering in Suisun Marsh

Detailed Description

The proportion of dabbling ducks wintering in Suisun Marsh relative to the entire state of California during 1953 to 2009. Solid line illustrates the population trend and was estimated with a LOESS function. Mid-winter waterfowl data were collected by the California Department of Fish and Game and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Suisun Marsh was not surveyed as part of the mid-winter waterfowl survey in 2010 and 2011.

Figure from Ackerman, JT, MP Herzog, GS Yarris, ML Casazza, E Burns, and JM Eadie. 2014. Chapter 5: Waterfowl ecology and management. Pages 103-132 and maps 10 and 11 in Moyle, PB, A Manfree, and PL Fiedler (editors): Suisun Marsh: Ecological History and Possible Futures. University of California Press: Berkeley, California. 239 pages. 


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