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Ritually Killed Gorget, 465B A2

Detailed Description

A Series: This is a set of slate gorgets and fragments there of. This fragment was found along the banks of the Patuxent River in Maryland but the slate is from Central Ohio. Other artifacts indicate that this site had been used for thousands of years as a ritual site by Adena culture Indians with numerous items brought in from Ohio (imagine that!). Part of the ritual appeared to be ritually "killing" things of beauty such as this gorget, spears, and what were probably previously buried human bones. Some of the gorgets appeared to have had designs on them and then "erased" ...this is an attempt to provide a detailed photographic record of this gorget so our archy friend Mandy Meldon can look for patterns. It was formed by taking a series of stacked shots of sections of each gorget which were then blended together in PTGUI... in general PTGUI did a great job making the gorget panorama.


Public Domain.

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