USGS gages assist Georgia, Alabama and Florida water management efforts
Fayette County Georgia, Water System Director, Lee Pope, discusses water management efforts to alleviate issues downstream.
USGS streamgages provide valuable data that allow local water managers to make informed decisions that improve water-quality and water-quantity for downstream communities. Below is a list of gages sponsored by the Fayette County Water System.
02344280 Camp Creek at Helmer Rd., near Fayetteville, GA
02344327 Morning Creek at Westbridge Rd., near Fayetteville, GA
02344364 Nash Creek at Allenwood Road, near Fayetteville, GA
02344396 Flint River at Woolsey Road, near Woolsey, GA
02344423 Lake Horton near Fayetteville, GA
02344424 Lake Horton (Tailrace) near Fayetteville, GA
02344605 Line Creek below GA 54, near Peactree City, GA
02344620 Shoal Creek at GA 54, near Sharpsburg, GA
02344630 Line Creek below Lake McIntosh, near Peachtree City, GA
02344650 Lake Kedron near Peachtree City, GA
02344655 Flat Creek DS of Lake Kedron, near Peachtree City, GA
02344671 Lake Peachtree at Peachtree City, GA
02344673 Flat Creek DS of Lake Peachtree, at Peachtree City, GA
02344724 Whitewater Creek at Eastin Rd., near Fayetteville, GA
02344736 Whitewater Creek at Sherwood Rd., near Fayetteville, GA
02344748 Whitewater Creek (DS of Starrs Mill Dam) near Fayetteville, GA
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