Values of the unit hydrograph parameters time of concentration (TC) and storage coefficient (R) can be estimated for streams in Illinois by a two-step technique developed from data for 98 gaged basins in the State. The sum of TC and R is related to stream length (L) and main channel slope (S) by the relation (TC + R)e = 35.2L0.39 S-0.78. The variable R/(TC + R) is not significantly correlated with drainage area, slope, or length, but does exhibit a regional trend. Regional values of R/(TC + R) are used with the computed values of (TC + R)e to solve for estimated values of time of concentration (TCe) and storage coefficient (Re). The use of the variable R/(TC + R) is thought to account for variations in unit hydrograph parameters caused by physiographic variables such as basin topography, flood-plain development, and basin storage characteristics.