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A technique for estimating time of concentration and storage coefficient values for Illinois streams

January 1, 1982

Values of the unit hydrograph parameters time of concentration (TC) and storage coefficient (R) can be estimated for streams in Illinois by a two-step technique developed from data for 98 gaged basins in the State. The sum of TC and R is related to stream length (L) and main channel slope (S) by the relation (TC + R)e = 35.2L0.39 S-0.78. The variable R/(TC + R) is not significantly correlated with drainage area, slope, or length, but does exhibit a regional trend. Regional values of R/(TC + R) are used with the computed values of (TC + R)e to solve for estimated values of time of concentration (TCe) and storage coefficient (Re). The use of the variable R/(TC + R) is thought to account for variations in unit hydrograph parameters caused by physiographic variables such as basin topography, flood-plain development, and basin storage characteristics.

Publication Year 1982
Title A technique for estimating time of concentration and storage coefficient values for Illinois streams
DOI 10.3133/wri8222
Authors Julia B. Graf, George Garklavs, Kevin A. Oberg
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 82-22
Index ID wri8222
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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