ALVIN investigation of an active propagating rift system, Galapagos 95.5° W
ALVIN investigations have defined the fine-scale structural and volcanic patterns produced by active rift and spreading center propagation and failure near 95.5° W on the Galapagos spreading center. Behind the initial lithospheric rifting, which is propagating nearly due west at about 50 km m.y.−1, a triangular block of preexisting lithosphere is being stretched and fractured, with some recent volcanism along curving fissures. A well-organized seafloor spreading center, an extensively faulted and fissured volcanic ridge, develops ~ 10 km (~ 200,000 years) behind the tectonic rift tip. Regional variations in the chemical compositions of the youngest lavas collected during this program contrast with those encompassing the entire 3 m.y. of propagation history for this region. A maximum in degree of magmatic differentiation occurs about 9 km behind the propagating rift tip, in a region of diffuse rifting. The propagating spreading center shows a gentle gradient in magmatic differentiation culminating at the SW-curving spreading center tip. Except for the doomed rift, which is in a constructional phase, tectonic activity also dominates over volcanic activity along the failing spreading system. In contrast to the propagating rift, failing rift lavas show a highly restricted range of compositions consistent with derivation from a declining upwelling zone accompanying rift failure. The lithosphere transferred from the Cocos to the Nazca plate by this propagator is extensively faulted and characterized by ubiquitous talus in one of the most tectonically disrupted areas of seafloor known. The pseudofault scarps, where the preexisting lithosphere was rifted apart, appear to include both normal and propagator lavas and are thus more lithologically complex than previously thought. Biological communities, probably vestimentiferan tubeworms, occur near the top of the outer pseudofault scarp, although no hydrothermal venting was observed.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 1992 |
Title | ALVIN investigation of an active propagating rift system, Galapagos 95.5° W |
DOI | 10.1007/BF01270630 |
Authors | R.N. Hey, J.M. Sinton, M.C. Kleinrock, R.N. Yonover, K.C. MacDonald, S.P. Miller, R. C. Searle, D.M. Christie, T.M. Atwater, Norman H. Sleep, H. Paul Johnson, C. A. Neal |
Publication Type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Series Title | Marine Geophysical Research |
Index ID | 70017333 |
Record Source | USGS Publications Warehouse |