Because ground water is hidden from view, ancient man could only theorize as to its sources of replenishment and its behavior. His theories held sway until the latter part of the 17th century, which marked the first experimental work to determine the source and movement of ground water. Thus founded, the science of ground-water hydrology grew slowly and not until the 19th century is there substantial evidence of conclusions having been based on observational data. The 20th century has witnessed tremendous advances in the science in the methods of field investigation and interpretation of collected data, in the methods of determining the hydrologic characteristics of water-bearing material, and in the methods of inventorying ground-water supplies. Now, as is true of many other disciplines, the science of ground-water hydrology is characterized by frequent advancement of new ideas and techniques, refinement of old techniques, and an increasing wealth of data awaiting interpretation.
So that its widely scattered staff of professional hydrologists could keep abreast of new ideas and advances in the techniques of groundwater investigation, it has been the practice in the U.S. Geological Survey to distribute such information for immediate internal use. As the methods become better established and developed, they are described in formal publications. Six papers pertaining to widely different phases of ground-water investigation comprise this particular contribution. For the sake of clarity and conformity, the original papers have been revised and edited by the compiler.