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Strain accumulation north of Los Angeles, California, as a function of time, 1977–1992

December 5, 1994

No significant change in the rate of strain accumulation in a 40×120 km trilateration network spanning the San Gabriel mountains was observed from 1977.5 to 1991.8 despite an apparent increase in seismicity (ML > 4.5) beginning in late 1987 in the northern Los Angeles basin immediately to the south. The observed deformation (0.13±0.01 µstrain/yr right‐lateral shear across a vertical plane striking N63°W±1°) can be attributed to strain accumulation on the San Andreas fault (local strike N65°W). No significant accumulation of compression normal to the strike of the San Andreas fault was observed in the network as a whole.

Publication Year 1994
Title Strain accumulation north of Los Angeles, California, as a function of time, 1977–1992
DOI 10.1029/94GL01123
Authors James C. Savage, Michael Lisowski
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Geophysical Research Letters
Index ID 70207073
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Earthquake Science Center; Volcano Hazards Program
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