Broad-scale Research Conducted Across the 1002 Area and the NPR-A of Alaska
Selected Bibliography of Broad-scale Research Involving USGS and Conducted Across the 1002 Area and the NPR-A of Alaska
Compiled as of 12/17/2018
Return to Changing Arctic Ecosystems >> USGS Coastal Plain and NPR-A Research Bibliography
Energy Resources
Attanasi, E.D., and P.A. Freeman. 2009. Economics of undiscovered oil and gas in the North Slope of Alaska; Economic update and synthesis. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009–1112, 59 p.
Attanasi, E.D. and P.A. Freeman. 2014. Commercial possibilities for stranded conventional gas from Alaska's North Slope. Natural Resources Research 23(1):175-193.
Bird, K.J., and D.W. Houseknecht. 2011. Geology and petroleum potential of the Arctic Alaska petroleum province. In Arctic Petroleum Geology: Geological Society London Memoir No. 35. Eds. A.M. Spencer, A.F. Embry, D.L. Gautier, A.V. Stoupakova, and K. Sorensen. p. 485-499.
Collett, T.S., W.F. Agena, M.W. Lee, M.V. Zyrianova, K.J. Bird, R.R. Charpentier, T. Cook, D.W. Houseknecht, T.R. Klett, R.M. Pollastro, and C.J. Schenk. 2008. Assessment of gas hydrate resources on the North Slope, Alaska, 2008. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008-3073, 4 p.
Craddock, W.H., M.L. Buursink, J.A. Covault, S.T. Brennan, C.A. Doolan, R.M. Drake II, M.D. Merrill, T.L. Roberts-Ashby, E.R. Slucher, P.D. Warwick, M.S. Blondes, P.A. Freeman, S.M. Cahan, C.A. DeVera, and C.D. Lohr. 2014. Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage resources—Alaska North Slope and Kandik Basin, Alaska. In Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage resources. Eds. P. D. Warwick, and M. D. Corum. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1024–I, 60 p.,
Gaina, C., S.C. Werner, R. Saltus, S. Maus, and the Camp-Gm Group. 2011. Circum-Arctic mapping project: new magnetic and gravity anomaly maps of the Arctic.In Arctic Petroleum Geology: Geological Society London Memoir No. 35. Eds. A. M. Spencer, A. F. Embry, D. L. Gautier, A. V. Stoupakova, and K. Sorensen. p 39-48.
Gautier, D.L., K.J. Bird, R.R. Charpentier, A. Grantz, D.W. Houseknecht, T.R. Klett, T.E. Moore, J.K. Pitman, C.J. Schenk, J.H. Schuenemeyer, K. Sørensen, M. E. Tennyson, Z.C. Valin, and C. J. Wandrey. 2011. Oil and gas resource potential north of the Arctic Circle. In Arctic Petroleum Geology: Geological Society London Memoir No. 35. Eds. A. M. Spencer, A. F. Embry, D. L. Gautier, A. V. Stoupakova, and K. Sorensen. p151-161.
Grantz, A., R.A. Scott, S.S. Drachev, T.E. Moore, and Z. C. Valin. 2011. Sedimentary successions of the Arctic Region (58-648 to 908N) that may be prospective for hydrocarbons, In Arctic Petroleum Geology: Geological Society London Memoir No. 35. Eds. A. M. Spencer, A. F. Embry, D. L. Gautier, A. V. Stoupakova, and K. Sorensen. p 17-37.
Houseknecht, D.W., K.J. Bird, and C.P. Garrity. 2012. Assessment of undiscovered petroleum resources of the Amerasia Basin Petroleum Province. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5146, 36 p.
Houseknecht, D.W., K.J. Bird, and C.P. Garrity. 2012. Assessment of undiscovered petroleum resources of the Arctic Alaska Petroleum Province. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5147 26 p.
Houseknecht, D.W., W.A. Rouse, C.P. Garrity, K.J. Whidden, J.A. Dumoulin, C.J. Schenk, R.R. Charpentier, T.A. Cook, S.B. Gaswirth, M.A. Kirschbaum, and R.M. Pollastro. 2012. Assessment of potential oil and gas resources in source rocks of the Alaska North Slope, 2012:.U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3013, 2 p.
Hutchinson, D.R., H.R. Jackson, D.W. Houseknecht, Q. Li, J.W. Shimeld, D.C. Mosher, D. Chian, R.W. Saltus, and G.N. Oakey. 2017. Significance of Northeast-trending features in Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18(11):4156-4178.
Rouse, W.A., and D.W. Houseknecht. 2016. Modified method for estimating petroleum source-rock potential using wireline logs, with application to the Kingak Shale, Alaska North Slope: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016–5001, 40 p.
U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Gas Hydrate Assessment Team, 2014, Geologic Assessment of Undiscovered Gas Hydrate Resources on the North Slope, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series 69-CC, 100 p.
Landscape Dynamics
Gibbs, A.E., K.A. Ohman, and B.M. Richmond. 2015. National assessment of shoreline change—A GIS compilation of vector shorelines and associated shoreline change data for the north coast of Alaska, U.S.-Canadian border to Icy Cape: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1030.
Gibbs, A.E., and B.M. Richmond. 2015. National assessment of shoreline change—Historical shoreline change along the north coast of Alaska, U.S.–Canadian border to Icy Cape: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015–1048.
Gibbs, A.E., and B.M. Richmond. 2017. National assessment of shoreline change—Summary statistics for updated vector shorelines and associated shoreline change data for the north coast of Alaska, U.S.-Canadian border to Icy Cape: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017–1107.
Hope, A.G., E. Waltari, J.L. Malaney, D.C. Payer, J.A. Cook, and S.L. Talbot. 2015. Arctic biodiversity: increasing richness accompanies shrinking refugia for a cold-associated tundra fauna. Ecosphere 6(9):1-67.
Hope, A.G., E. Waltari, D.C. Payer, J.A. Cook, and S.L. Talbot. 2013. Future distribution of tundra refugia in northern Alaska. Nature Climate Change 3:931-938.
Jones, B.M., C.D. Arp, M.T. Jorgenson, K.M. Hinkel, J.A. Schmutz, and P.L. Flint. 2009. Increase in the rate and uniformity of coastline erosion in arctic Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters 36:L02503.
Urban, F.E., and G.D. Clow. 2014. DOI/GTN-P climate and active-layer data acquired in the National Petroleum Reserve: Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1998-2011. USGS Report, Data Series 812.
Urban, F.E., and Clow, G.D., 2017, DOI/GTN-P Climate and active-layer data acquired in the National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1998–2015: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1021, 546 p.,
Migratory Birds
CAFF. 2018. A Global audit of the status and trends of Arctic and Northern Hemisphere goose population. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna International Secretariat, Akureyri, Iceland. ISBN 978-9935-431-66-0
Leach, A. G., D. H. Ward, J. G. Sedinger, M. S. Lindberg, W. S. Boyd, J. W. Hupp, and R. J. Ritchie. 2017. Declining survival of black brant from subarctic and arctic breeding areas. Journal of Wildlife Management 81(7):1210-1218.
McCloskey, S.E., B.D. Uher-Koch, J.A. Schmutz, and T.F. Fondell. 2017. International migration patterns of Red-throated Loons (Gavia stellata) from four breeding populations in Alaska. PLoS One 13(1):e0189954.
Saalfeld, S.T., R.B. Lanctot, S.C. Brown, D.T. Saalfeld, J.A. Johnson, B.A. Andres, and J.R. Bart. 2013. Predicting breeding shorebird distributions on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska. Ecosphere 4(1):16. 1890/ES12-00292.1
Polar Bears
Atwood, T.C., E. Peacock, K. Lillie, R.R. Wilson, and S. Miller. 2015. Demographic composition and behavior of polar bears summering on shore in Alaska. USGS Administrative Report, 26 p. [Full Publication]
Atwood, T.C., E. Peacock, M.A. McKinney, K. Lillie, R.R. Wilson, D.C. Douglas, S. Miller, and P.A. Terletzky. 2016. Rapid environmental change drives increased land use by an Arctic marine predator. PLoS One 11(6):e0155932. [Pub Brief]
Atwood, T.C., Simac, K., Breck, S.W., York, G., and Wilder, J., 2017, Human–polar bear interactions in a changing Arctic: Existing and emerging concerns: p. 397-418 in Marine Mammal Welfare: Human Induced Change in the Marine Environment and its Impacts on Marine Mammal Welfare, A. Butterworth (ed.), vol. 17, Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
Atwood, T.C., K.S. Simac, S.W. Breck, G. York, and J. Wilder. 2017. Human-polar bear interactions in a changing Arctic: existing and emerging concerns. Pages 397-418 in Marine Mammal Welfare: Human Induced Change in the Marine Environment and its Impacts on Marine Mammal Welfare, A. Butterworth (ed.). Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
Bromaghin, J.F., T.L. McDonald, I. Stirling, A.E. Derocher, E.S. Richardson, E.V. Regehr, D.C. Douglas, G.M. Durner, T.C. Atwood, and S.C. Amstrup. 2015. Polar bear population dynamics in the southern Beaufort Sea during a period of sea ice decline. Ecological Applications 25(3):634-651.
Olson, J.W., K.D. Rode, D.L. Eggett, T.S. Smith, R.R. Wilson, G.M. Durner, A.S. Fischbach, T.C. Atwood, and D.C. Douglas. 2017. Collar temperature sensor data reveal long-term patterns in southern Beaufort Sea polar bear den distribution on pack ice and land. Marine Ecology Progress Series 564:211-224. [Pub Brief]
Pagano, A.M., E. Peacock, and M.A. McKinney. 2013. Remote biopsy darting and marking of polar bears. Marine Mammal Science 30(1):169-183.
Rode, K.D., R.R. Wilson, D.C. Douglas, V.L. Muhlenbruch, T.C. Atwood, E.V. Regehr, E.S. Richardson, N.W. Pilfold, A.E. Derocher, G.M. Durner, I. Stirling, S.C. Amstrup, M. St. Martin, A.M. Pagano, and K.S. Simac. 2018. Spring fasting behavior in a marine apex predator provides an index of ecosystem productivity. Global Change Biology 24(1):410-423.
Rode, K.D., J.W. Olson, D.L. Eggett, D.C. Douglas, G.M. Durner, T.C. Atwood, E.V. Regehr, R.R. Wilson, T.S. Smith, and M. St. Martin. 2018. Den phenology and reproductive success of polar bears in a changing climate. Journal of Mammalogy.
Rode, K. D., J. K. Fortin-Noreus, D. L. Garshelis, M. Dyck, V. Sahanatien, T. C. Atwood, S. E. Belikov, K. L. Laidre, S. Miller, M. E. Obbard, D. Vongraven, J. V. Ware, and J. Wilder. 2018. Survey-based assessment of the frequency and potential impacts of recreation on polar bears. Biological Conservation 227:121-132.
Ware, J.V., K.D. Rode, J.F. Bromaghin, D.C. Douglas, R.R. Wilson, E.V. Regehr, S.C. Amstrup, G.M. Durner, A.M. Pagano, J.W. Olson, C.T. Robbins, and H.T. Jansen. 2017. Habitat degradation affects the summer activity of polar bears. Oecologia 184(1):87-89.
Selected Bibliography of Broad-scale Research Involving USGS and Conducted Across the 1002 Area and the NPR-A of Alaska
Compiled as of 12/17/2018
Return to Changing Arctic Ecosystems >> USGS Coastal Plain and NPR-A Research Bibliography
Energy Resources
Attanasi, E.D., and P.A. Freeman. 2009. Economics of undiscovered oil and gas in the North Slope of Alaska; Economic update and synthesis. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009–1112, 59 p.
Attanasi, E.D. and P.A. Freeman. 2014. Commercial possibilities for stranded conventional gas from Alaska's North Slope. Natural Resources Research 23(1):175-193.
Bird, K.J., and D.W. Houseknecht. 2011. Geology and petroleum potential of the Arctic Alaska petroleum province. In Arctic Petroleum Geology: Geological Society London Memoir No. 35. Eds. A.M. Spencer, A.F. Embry, D.L. Gautier, A.V. Stoupakova, and K. Sorensen. p. 485-499.
Collett, T.S., W.F. Agena, M.W. Lee, M.V. Zyrianova, K.J. Bird, R.R. Charpentier, T. Cook, D.W. Houseknecht, T.R. Klett, R.M. Pollastro, and C.J. Schenk. 2008. Assessment of gas hydrate resources on the North Slope, Alaska, 2008. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008-3073, 4 p.
Craddock, W.H., M.L. Buursink, J.A. Covault, S.T. Brennan, C.A. Doolan, R.M. Drake II, M.D. Merrill, T.L. Roberts-Ashby, E.R. Slucher, P.D. Warwick, M.S. Blondes, P.A. Freeman, S.M. Cahan, C.A. DeVera, and C.D. Lohr. 2014. Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage resources—Alaska North Slope and Kandik Basin, Alaska. In Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage resources. Eds. P. D. Warwick, and M. D. Corum. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1024–I, 60 p.,
Gaina, C., S.C. Werner, R. Saltus, S. Maus, and the Camp-Gm Group. 2011. Circum-Arctic mapping project: new magnetic and gravity anomaly maps of the Arctic.In Arctic Petroleum Geology: Geological Society London Memoir No. 35. Eds. A. M. Spencer, A. F. Embry, D. L. Gautier, A. V. Stoupakova, and K. Sorensen. p 39-48.
Gautier, D.L., K.J. Bird, R.R. Charpentier, A. Grantz, D.W. Houseknecht, T.R. Klett, T.E. Moore, J.K. Pitman, C.J. Schenk, J.H. Schuenemeyer, K. Sørensen, M. E. Tennyson, Z.C. Valin, and C. J. Wandrey. 2011. Oil and gas resource potential north of the Arctic Circle. In Arctic Petroleum Geology: Geological Society London Memoir No. 35. Eds. A. M. Spencer, A. F. Embry, D. L. Gautier, A. V. Stoupakova, and K. Sorensen. p151-161.
Grantz, A., R.A. Scott, S.S. Drachev, T.E. Moore, and Z. C. Valin. 2011. Sedimentary successions of the Arctic Region (58-648 to 908N) that may be prospective for hydrocarbons, In Arctic Petroleum Geology: Geological Society London Memoir No. 35. Eds. A. M. Spencer, A. F. Embry, D. L. Gautier, A. V. Stoupakova, and K. Sorensen. p 17-37.
Houseknecht, D.W., K.J. Bird, and C.P. Garrity. 2012. Assessment of undiscovered petroleum resources of the Amerasia Basin Petroleum Province. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5146, 36 p.
Houseknecht, D.W., K.J. Bird, and C.P. Garrity. 2012. Assessment of undiscovered petroleum resources of the Arctic Alaska Petroleum Province. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5147 26 p.
Houseknecht, D.W., W.A. Rouse, C.P. Garrity, K.J. Whidden, J.A. Dumoulin, C.J. Schenk, R.R. Charpentier, T.A. Cook, S.B. Gaswirth, M.A. Kirschbaum, and R.M. Pollastro. 2012. Assessment of potential oil and gas resources in source rocks of the Alaska North Slope, 2012:.U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3013, 2 p.
Hutchinson, D.R., H.R. Jackson, D.W. Houseknecht, Q. Li, J.W. Shimeld, D.C. Mosher, D. Chian, R.W. Saltus, and G.N. Oakey. 2017. Significance of Northeast-trending features in Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18(11):4156-4178.
Rouse, W.A., and D.W. Houseknecht. 2016. Modified method for estimating petroleum source-rock potential using wireline logs, with application to the Kingak Shale, Alaska North Slope: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016–5001, 40 p.
U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Gas Hydrate Assessment Team, 2014, Geologic Assessment of Undiscovered Gas Hydrate Resources on the North Slope, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series 69-CC, 100 p.
Landscape Dynamics
Gibbs, A.E., K.A. Ohman, and B.M. Richmond. 2015. National assessment of shoreline change—A GIS compilation of vector shorelines and associated shoreline change data for the north coast of Alaska, U.S.-Canadian border to Icy Cape: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1030.
Gibbs, A.E., and B.M. Richmond. 2015. National assessment of shoreline change—Historical shoreline change along the north coast of Alaska, U.S.–Canadian border to Icy Cape: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015–1048.
Gibbs, A.E., and B.M. Richmond. 2017. National assessment of shoreline change—Summary statistics for updated vector shorelines and associated shoreline change data for the north coast of Alaska, U.S.-Canadian border to Icy Cape: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017–1107.
Hope, A.G., E. Waltari, J.L. Malaney, D.C. Payer, J.A. Cook, and S.L. Talbot. 2015. Arctic biodiversity: increasing richness accompanies shrinking refugia for a cold-associated tundra fauna. Ecosphere 6(9):1-67.
Hope, A.G., E. Waltari, D.C. Payer, J.A. Cook, and S.L. Talbot. 2013. Future distribution of tundra refugia in northern Alaska. Nature Climate Change 3:931-938.
Jones, B.M., C.D. Arp, M.T. Jorgenson, K.M. Hinkel, J.A. Schmutz, and P.L. Flint. 2009. Increase in the rate and uniformity of coastline erosion in arctic Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters 36:L02503.
Urban, F.E., and G.D. Clow. 2014. DOI/GTN-P climate and active-layer data acquired in the National Petroleum Reserve: Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1998-2011. USGS Report, Data Series 812.
Urban, F.E., and Clow, G.D., 2017, DOI/GTN-P Climate and active-layer data acquired in the National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1998–2015: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1021, 546 p.,
Migratory Birds
CAFF. 2018. A Global audit of the status and trends of Arctic and Northern Hemisphere goose population. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna International Secretariat, Akureyri, Iceland. ISBN 978-9935-431-66-0
Leach, A. G., D. H. Ward, J. G. Sedinger, M. S. Lindberg, W. S. Boyd, J. W. Hupp, and R. J. Ritchie. 2017. Declining survival of black brant from subarctic and arctic breeding areas. Journal of Wildlife Management 81(7):1210-1218.
McCloskey, S.E., B.D. Uher-Koch, J.A. Schmutz, and T.F. Fondell. 2017. International migration patterns of Red-throated Loons (Gavia stellata) from four breeding populations in Alaska. PLoS One 13(1):e0189954.
Saalfeld, S.T., R.B. Lanctot, S.C. Brown, D.T. Saalfeld, J.A. Johnson, B.A. Andres, and J.R. Bart. 2013. Predicting breeding shorebird distributions on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska. Ecosphere 4(1):16. 1890/ES12-00292.1
Polar Bears
Atwood, T.C., E. Peacock, K. Lillie, R.R. Wilson, and S. Miller. 2015. Demographic composition and behavior of polar bears summering on shore in Alaska. USGS Administrative Report, 26 p. [Full Publication]
Atwood, T.C., E. Peacock, M.A. McKinney, K. Lillie, R.R. Wilson, D.C. Douglas, S. Miller, and P.A. Terletzky. 2016. Rapid environmental change drives increased land use by an Arctic marine predator. PLoS One 11(6):e0155932. [Pub Brief]
Atwood, T.C., Simac, K., Breck, S.W., York, G., and Wilder, J., 2017, Human–polar bear interactions in a changing Arctic: Existing and emerging concerns: p. 397-418 in Marine Mammal Welfare: Human Induced Change in the Marine Environment and its Impacts on Marine Mammal Welfare, A. Butterworth (ed.), vol. 17, Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
Atwood, T.C., K.S. Simac, S.W. Breck, G. York, and J. Wilder. 2017. Human-polar bear interactions in a changing Arctic: existing and emerging concerns. Pages 397-418 in Marine Mammal Welfare: Human Induced Change in the Marine Environment and its Impacts on Marine Mammal Welfare, A. Butterworth (ed.). Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
Bromaghin, J.F., T.L. McDonald, I. Stirling, A.E. Derocher, E.S. Richardson, E.V. Regehr, D.C. Douglas, G.M. Durner, T.C. Atwood, and S.C. Amstrup. 2015. Polar bear population dynamics in the southern Beaufort Sea during a period of sea ice decline. Ecological Applications 25(3):634-651.
Olson, J.W., K.D. Rode, D.L. Eggett, T.S. Smith, R.R. Wilson, G.M. Durner, A.S. Fischbach, T.C. Atwood, and D.C. Douglas. 2017. Collar temperature sensor data reveal long-term patterns in southern Beaufort Sea polar bear den distribution on pack ice and land. Marine Ecology Progress Series 564:211-224. [Pub Brief]
Pagano, A.M., E. Peacock, and M.A. McKinney. 2013. Remote biopsy darting and marking of polar bears. Marine Mammal Science 30(1):169-183.
Rode, K.D., R.R. Wilson, D.C. Douglas, V.L. Muhlenbruch, T.C. Atwood, E.V. Regehr, E.S. Richardson, N.W. Pilfold, A.E. Derocher, G.M. Durner, I. Stirling, S.C. Amstrup, M. St. Martin, A.M. Pagano, and K.S. Simac. 2018. Spring fasting behavior in a marine apex predator provides an index of ecosystem productivity. Global Change Biology 24(1):410-423.
Rode, K.D., J.W. Olson, D.L. Eggett, D.C. Douglas, G.M. Durner, T.C. Atwood, E.V. Regehr, R.R. Wilson, T.S. Smith, and M. St. Martin. 2018. Den phenology and reproductive success of polar bears in a changing climate. Journal of Mammalogy.
Rode, K. D., J. K. Fortin-Noreus, D. L. Garshelis, M. Dyck, V. Sahanatien, T. C. Atwood, S. E. Belikov, K. L. Laidre, S. Miller, M. E. Obbard, D. Vongraven, J. V. Ware, and J. Wilder. 2018. Survey-based assessment of the frequency and potential impacts of recreation on polar bears. Biological Conservation 227:121-132.
Ware, J.V., K.D. Rode, J.F. Bromaghin, D.C. Douglas, R.R. Wilson, E.V. Regehr, S.C. Amstrup, G.M. Durner, A.M. Pagano, J.W. Olson, C.T. Robbins, and H.T. Jansen. 2017. Habitat degradation affects the summer activity of polar bears. Oecologia 184(1):87-89.