The Environmental Chemistry Branch uses a robust set of Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) approaches to ensure that data are of known and documented quality. Standard criteria can be adjusted to meet individual project requirements and quality assurance project plans (QAPPs).
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Typical QC includes:
- Traceable calibration and second-source verification standards
- Laboratory control samples and/or certified reference materials
- Interference check standards and dilution analysis
- Processing and Field Blanks for background determination
- Method replication and spike recovery
- Analytical duplication and spike recovery
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The Environmental Chemistry Branch uses a robust set of Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) approaches to ensure that data are of known and documented quality. Standard criteria can be adjusted to meet individual project requirements and quality assurance project plans (QAPPs).
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Typical QC includes:
- Traceable calibration and second-source verification standards
- Laboratory control samples and/or certified reference materials
- Interference check standards and dilution analysis
- Processing and Field Blanks for background determination
- Method replication and spike recovery
- Analytical duplication and spike recovery
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