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Automated curtailment systems, or systems that slow or stop wind turbines when birds are approaching, are a potential solution to reduce collisions.

Previously, researchers demonstrated that eagle fatalities declined after installation of the IdentiFlight system at a wind power facility in Wyoming, USA. In an update to the original publication, the research team implemented several analytical suggestions and included more recent data to strengthen the conclusions of the study.  Eagle fatalities were reduced by 85% after implementation of IdentiFlight, and the fatality rate decline by 4.91 eagles per year relative to the control site. This re-analysis confirms the original study findings and strengthens the conclusion that IdentiFlight is effective at reducing eagle fatalities at the study site. The findings suggest the IdentiFlight system may be a good option for minimizing wildlife mortality while maximizing energy production. 

McClure, C.J., Rolek, B.W., Dunn, L., McCabe, J.D., Martinson, L., and Katzner, T.E., 2022, Confirmation that eagle fatalities can be reduced by automated curtailment of wind turbines: Ecological Solutions and Evidence, v. 3, no. 3, e12173. 

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