Conservation Efforts Database
The Conservation Efforts Database (CED) is a secure online data repository that collects, stores, and retrieves spatially explicit, spatially obscure, and non-spatial information on species and habitat conservation and management actions. The CED is designed to allow data collection from all interested partners including federal, state, local, non-government organizations, universities, private individuals, and anyone else conduction conservation actions. The collected information informs biological planning, conservation delivery, and monitoring of restoration outcomes. The CED enables partners to document and record conservation actions and post-action effectiveness across the landscape.

The Conservation Efforts Database is divided into modules. This screenshot of the Sagebrush Ecosystems Module's interactive map shows different kinds of sagebrush restoration projects currently in the database.
Coming to the CED
The CED continues to expand both its capabilities and geographic footprint. Coming in 2025, we will be expanding the Cutthroat Module beyond Lahontan cutthroat, to include Westslope and Yellowstone cutthroat trout. In addition, we are beginning work now and plan to release two new modules in 2026, the Grasslands Module and the Klamath Basin Module. These new and expanding modules will allow us all to gain a clearer picture of all the great conservation actions happening across the country.
Related Information
Sagebrush Trends Tool
This web-based mapping tool, released in 2024, enables users to identify which threats are driving the current status of Sagebrush Ecological Integrity (SEI), assess if SEI and associated threats, such as invasive annual grass, conifer encroachment, human modification - have changed over time, and visualize spatial trends in SEI and threats. The Sagebrush Ecosystem Trends Module supports managers...Gunnison Sage-Grouse Recovery Module
The CED Gunnison Sage-grouse Recovery Module was released in 2020 and is designed to capture any effort designed to benefit Gunnison sage-grouse recovery. This includes habitat restoration and any activities that contribute to the recovery of Gunnison sage-grouse, a federally listed threatened species. While similar to the Sagebrush Module, The Gunnison Sage-Grouse Recovery module contains fields...Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module
The CED Cutthroat Module, released in 2024, is our latest module and is designed to capture any action related to the conservation, enhancement, restoration, or recovery of native, inland cutthroat trout or the habitats and waters that they depend on. The first iteration of this module was designed specifically for the Lahontan cutthroat trout. However, we are currently working on expanding the...Sagebrush Module
The CED Sagebrush Module, first released in 2014, captures any conservation effort, enhancement, restoration, plan, or action related to the sagebrush landscape or activities that benefit sagebrush-dependent species. The CED was originally focused only on greater sage-grouse and thus, most of the records currently in our database are related to this species, but, starting in 2019, we expanded our...
Data Restrictions
Data collected and stored in the CED is not available for download. If you wish to access data, please contact the CED Team (
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey (Ecosystem Mission Area, Land Management Research Program)
Conservation Efforts Database Spatial Reporting Units (SRUs)
Sagebrush Conservation Efforts Database Batch Upload Template User Manual Version 2.0.0
Land Treatment Exploration Tool
Conservation Efforts Database Batch Upload Template and User Manual (Sagebrush Module)
Conservation Efforts Database Batch Upload Template and User Manual (Gunnison Sage-grouse Recovery Module)
Conservation Efforts Database Batch Upload Template and User Manual (Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module)
The Conservation Efforts Database (CED) is a secure online data repository that collects, stores, and retrieves spatially explicit, spatially obscure, and non-spatial information on species and habitat conservation and management actions. The CED is designed to allow data collection from all interested partners including federal, state, local, non-government organizations, universities, private individuals, and anyone else conduction conservation actions. The collected information informs biological planning, conservation delivery, and monitoring of restoration outcomes. The CED enables partners to document and record conservation actions and post-action effectiveness across the landscape.

The Conservation Efforts Database is divided into modules. This screenshot of the Sagebrush Ecosystems Module's interactive map shows different kinds of sagebrush restoration projects currently in the database.
Coming to the CED
The CED continues to expand both its capabilities and geographic footprint. Coming in 2025, we will be expanding the Cutthroat Module beyond Lahontan cutthroat, to include Westslope and Yellowstone cutthroat trout. In addition, we are beginning work now and plan to release two new modules in 2026, the Grasslands Module and the Klamath Basin Module. These new and expanding modules will allow us all to gain a clearer picture of all the great conservation actions happening across the country.
Related Information
Sagebrush Trends Tool
This web-based mapping tool, released in 2024, enables users to identify which threats are driving the current status of Sagebrush Ecological Integrity (SEI), assess if SEI and associated threats, such as invasive annual grass, conifer encroachment, human modification - have changed over time, and visualize spatial trends in SEI and threats. The Sagebrush Ecosystem Trends Module supports managers...Gunnison Sage-Grouse Recovery Module
The CED Gunnison Sage-grouse Recovery Module was released in 2020 and is designed to capture any effort designed to benefit Gunnison sage-grouse recovery. This includes habitat restoration and any activities that contribute to the recovery of Gunnison sage-grouse, a federally listed threatened species. While similar to the Sagebrush Module, The Gunnison Sage-Grouse Recovery module contains fields...Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module
The CED Cutthroat Module, released in 2024, is our latest module and is designed to capture any action related to the conservation, enhancement, restoration, or recovery of native, inland cutthroat trout or the habitats and waters that they depend on. The first iteration of this module was designed specifically for the Lahontan cutthroat trout. However, we are currently working on expanding the...Sagebrush Module
The CED Sagebrush Module, first released in 2014, captures any conservation effort, enhancement, restoration, plan, or action related to the sagebrush landscape or activities that benefit sagebrush-dependent species. The CED was originally focused only on greater sage-grouse and thus, most of the records currently in our database are related to this species, but, starting in 2019, we expanded our...
Data Restrictions
Data collected and stored in the CED is not available for download. If you wish to access data, please contact the CED Team (
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey (Ecosystem Mission Area, Land Management Research Program)