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November 2, 2023

USGS Research Economist Aaron Enriquez was invited to be a guest speaker at the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife's lunchtime seminar series on Monday, November 6th. Aaron's talk is titled "Pricing Wildlife and Outdoor Recreation: An Introduction to Nonmarket Valuation."

photo of a man holding a fish, net, beach, and ocean in the background
Aaron Enriquez holds a sockeye caught while dipnetting at the Kenai River Personal Use Salmon Fishery.



Outside of commercial fishing, what’s the value of sockeye salmon to Alaskans? Do Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem locals and non-locals differ in how they value grizzly bears? Are national park visitors willing to foot the bill for conserving wide-ranging wildlife that migrate out of the parks?

Many things in nature don’t have market prices, but economists "put a dollar" on them anyway. This presentation provides a broad overview of nonmarket valuation, including the what, why, and how, with a particular focus on wildlife and outdoor recreation applications.

The talk will be hosted virtually on Teams from 1–2 pm Mountain Time on Monday, November 6th.

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