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October 12, 2023

The meeting will convene practitioners and scientists from 19 organizations, including local (fire protection districts), state (Colorado and Alaska), and federal (USGS, BLM, USFS) agencies and regional non-profits, for in-depth discussions around the co-production of actionable social science for supporting wildfire risk mitigation on private property.

The WiRē Partner Community of Practice (CoP) consists of wildfire risk mitigation practitioners who have participated in co-produced social science with the Wildfire Research (WiRē) Center. The CoP reflects the on-going nature of the WiRē Center and Team's approach to collaborating with mitigation organizations, in which the Team continues to support partners in understanding and applying the data collected during a project beyond the completion of final project deliverables. The CoP is continually growing as the Center initiates projects with new partners and organizations over time.

The workshop will include research presentations by members of the WiRē Team for fostering discussion with partners about results, interpretations, and implications for practice, as well as shared areas of interest regarding additional questions for future investigation. These presentations help "close the loop" in the co-production process, bringing results developed from data collected by partners - and answering questions motivated in part by partners' interests - back to practitioners "on the ground." Other workshop activities include interactive sessions for discussing future directions for the WiRē Center and how it can best support practitioner partners.

Specific topics that will be discussed include: using WiRē data to help achieve wildfire mitigation outcomes; enhancing Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) with WiRē data; public preferences for communication channels for risk reduction information; defining and supporting underserved communities; and using social science data to support cross-boundary planning and collaboration.

Photo of a seated group of people in a room, facing a screen. Presenters are at the front of room, near the screen.
James Meldrum (USGS-FORT) presents the results of a study about community preparedness for wildfire conducted with the City of Santa Fe Fire Department in front of a general public audience of Santa Fe, New Mexico, community members, May 2023.

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