Migration and winter ecology of the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population of whooping cranes
The only self-sustaining population of endangered whooping cranes nests within and near Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada, migrates through the Great Plains, and winters primarily along the Texas Gulf Coast. Our objectives of this collaborative project are to address the entire annual life cycle of this species by advancing knowledge of breeding, wintering, and migration ecology, including threats to survival and population persistence. This research will allow us to identify potential barriers to species recovery. To complete this work, we have deployed and monitored >80 GPS-enabled satellite transmitters during 2010–2018. Through coordination of international capture teams and development of innovative trapping techniques, our efforts represent the first time adult whooping cranes have been successfully captured and marked. We also are characterizing stopover sites used by whooping cranes to document surrounding habitat characteristics and land management practices to better define habitat criteria required by the species at stopover sites like the Platte River. Results from this project will inform recovery and management of whooping cranes into the
Below are publications associated with this project.
Migrating whooping cranes avoid wind-energy infrastructure when selecting stopover habitat
Heterogeneity in migration strategies of the whooping crane
Diurnal habitat selection of migrating Whooping Crane in the Great Plains
Whooping crane use of riverine stopover sites
Mortality in Aransas-Wood Buffalo Whooping Cranes: Timing, location, and causes
Opportunistically collected data reveal habitat selection by migrating Whooping Cranes in the U.S. Northern Plains
Delineating and identifying long-term changes in the whooping crane (Grus americana) migration corridor
Evaluation of nocturnal roost and diurnal sites used by whooping cranes in the Great Plains, United States
The only self-sustaining population of endangered whooping cranes nests within and near Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada, migrates through the Great Plains, and winters primarily along the Texas Gulf Coast. Our objectives of this collaborative project are to address the entire annual life cycle of this species by advancing knowledge of breeding, wintering, and migration ecology, including threats to survival and population persistence. This research will allow us to identify potential barriers to species recovery. To complete this work, we have deployed and monitored >80 GPS-enabled satellite transmitters during 2010–2018. Through coordination of international capture teams and development of innovative trapping techniques, our efforts represent the first time adult whooping cranes have been successfully captured and marked. We also are characterizing stopover sites used by whooping cranes to document surrounding habitat characteristics and land management practices to better define habitat criteria required by the species at stopover sites like the Platte River. Results from this project will inform recovery and management of whooping cranes into the
Below are publications associated with this project.