Groundwater Monitoring Program for the Brunswick-Glynn County Area, Georgia
Groundwater Monitoring Program for the Brunswick-Glynn County Area, Ga
Saltwater intrusion is a problem in Brunswick
In the Brunswick, Georgia area, saltwater has contaminated the Upper Floridan aquifer for nearly 50 years. Saltwater contamination has constrained further development of the Upper Floridan aquifer in the Brunswick area, which has stimulated interest in the development of alternative sources of water supply, primarily from the shallower surficial and Brunswick aquifer systems.
USGS is working cooperatively with the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission to monitor the concentration, extent, and movement of saltwater in the Floridan aquifer system. A model is being developed to predict the potential for contamination of drinking-water supplies by saltwater based on future water-use scenarios.
In the Brunswick area, saltwater has contaminated the Upper Floridan aquifer for nearly 50 years. Currently within an area of several square miles in downtown Brunswick, the aquifer yields water with a chloride concentration greater than 2,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L), above the State and Federal secondary drinking-water standard of 250 mg/L (Georgia Environmental Protection Division, 1997; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000). Saltwater contamination has constrained further development of the Upper Floridan aquifer in the Brunswick area, which has stimulated interest in the development of alternative sources of water supply, primarily from the shallower surficial and Brunswick aquifer systems.
- Define mechanisms of ground-water flow and movement of saltwater in the Floridan aquifer system.
- Define the vertical geometry of the high-chloride plume.
- Assess alternative sources of water supply from the surficial and Brunswick aquifer systems and the Lower Floridan aquifer.
- Monitor long-term groundwater levels and quality; develop and maintain a comprehensive groundwater database.
Groundwater Conditions
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia (website with current updates)
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2012-2014, pg 30-31, 48-50
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2010-2011, pg 32-33, 56-58
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2008-2009, pg 66-67
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2006-2007, pg 68-69
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2004-2005, pg 66-67
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2002-2003, pg 68-69
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2001
Regional Water Planning Council for Coastal Georgia
Georgia Automated Environmental Monitoring Network
College of Coastal Georgia
Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia
USGS funded the monitoring equipment with installation date of 10/27/1999. The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the University of Georgia has covered the cost of maintenance since that time.
Selected References
Wait, R.L., and Gregg, D.O., 1973, Hydrology and chloride contamination of the principal artesian aquifer in Glynn County: Georgia Department of Natural Resources Hydrologic Report, 93 p.
Peck, M.F., Clarke, J.S., Ransom, Camille III, and Richards, C.J., 1999, Potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan Aquifer in Georgia and adjacent parts of Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina, May 1998, and water-level trends in Georgia, 1990-98: Georgia Geologic Survey Hydrologic Atlas 22, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000. [Also available at]
Georgia Water Resources Conference Proceedings
Jones, L.E., 2001, Saltwater Contamination in the Upper Floridan Aquifer at Brunswick, Georgia: in Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held March 26-27, 2001, at the University of Georgia, Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, p. 644-647.
Krause, R.E., and Clarke, J.S., 2001, Saltwater contamination of ground water at Brunswick, Georgia and Hilton Head Island, South Carolina: in Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held March 26-27, 2001, at the University of Georgia, Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, p. 756-759.
Peck, M.F., 1999, Water levels in the Upper Floridan aquifer in the coastal area of Georgia, 1990-98: in Proceedings of the 1999 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held March 30-31, 1999, at The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
Peck, M.F., Clarke, J.S., Abu-Ruman, Malek, and Laitta, M.T., 2001, Hydrogeologic Conditions at Two Seepage Ponds in the Coastal Area of Georgia, August 1999 -- February 2001: in Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held March 26-27, 2001, at the University of Georgia, Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
Peck, Michael F., McFadden, Keith W., and Leeth, David C., 2005, Impact of a major industrial shutdown on groundwater flow and quality in the St. Marys area, southeastern Georgia and northeastern Florida, 20012003. Proceedings of the 2005 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held April 25-27, 2005, at the University of Georgia. Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. [Also available at…]
Priest, Sherlyn, and Clarke, John S., 2005, Potential effects of groundwater development in eastern Camden County, Georgia, on groundwater resources of Cumberland Island National Seashore. Proceedings of the 2005 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held April 25-27, 2005, at the University of Georgia. Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. [Also available at…]
Warner, Debbie, and Aulenbach, B.T., 1999, Regression technique for removing effects of tides and pumpage from ground-water levels during an aquifer recovery test at St Marys, Georgia: in Proceedings of the 1999 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held March 30- 31, 1999, at The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
Abstracts and conference papers
Krause, R.E., 2000, Ground-water resources of coastal Georgia--past, present, and future: in Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, no. 2, p. 32.
Payne, D.F., Provost, A.M., Voss, C.I., and Clarke, J.S., 2001, Mechanisms of saltwater contamination of ground water in coastal Georgia, U.S.A.: Preliminary results of variable-density transport modeling: in, First International conference on saltwater intrusion and coastal aquifers-monitoring, modeling, and management, Essaouira, Morrocco, April 23-25, 2001.
Peck, M.F., Abu-Ruman, Maluk, Clarke, J.S., and Georgakakos, A.P., 2000, Water-supply potential of a seepage pond near Brunswick, Georgia: in Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, no. 2, p. 66.
Release Data: 10/4/2016
Below are publications associated with this project.
The Groundwater Conditions of Georgia application has interactive maps and graphs, that calculate water level trends over time. The application is a continuation of a series of reports begun in 1978.
Groundwater Conditions of Georgia
Simulation of groundwater flow in the Brunswick Area, Georgia, for 2004 and 2015, and selected groundwater-management scenarios
Saltwater intrusion in the Floridan aquifer system near downtown Brunswick, Georgia, 1957–2015
Groundwater flow in the Brunswick/Glynn County area, Georgia, 2000-04
Revised hydrogeologic framework of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina
Groundwater conditions in Georgia, 2010–2011
Groundwater conditions in the Brunswick-Glynn County area, Georgia, 2009
Groundwater conditions and studies in the Brunswick–Glynn County area, Georgia, 2008
Ground-Water Conditions and Studies in the Brunswick-Glynn County Area, Georgia, 2007
U.S. Geological Survey Georgia Water Science Center and City of Brunswick–Glynn County Cooperative Water Program— Summary of activities, July 2005 through June 2006
Pond-aquifer flow and water availability in the vicinity of two coastal area seepage ponds, Glynn and Bulloch Counties, Georgia
Summary of hydraulic properties of the Floridan Aquifer system in coastal Georgia and adjacent parts of South Carolina and Florida
Hydrogeology and water quality (1978) of the Floridan aquifer system at U.S. Geological Survey TW-26, on Colonels Island, near Brunswick, Georgia
Below are partners associated with this project.
In the Brunswick, Georgia area, saltwater has contaminated the Upper Floridan aquifer for nearly 50 years. Saltwater contamination has constrained further development of the Upper Floridan aquifer in the Brunswick area, which has stimulated interest in the development of alternative sources of water supply, primarily from the shallower surficial and Brunswick aquifer systems.
USGS is working cooperatively with the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission to monitor the concentration, extent, and movement of saltwater in the Floridan aquifer system. A model is being developed to predict the potential for contamination of drinking-water supplies by saltwater based on future water-use scenarios.
In the Brunswick area, saltwater has contaminated the Upper Floridan aquifer for nearly 50 years. Currently within an area of several square miles in downtown Brunswick, the aquifer yields water with a chloride concentration greater than 2,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L), above the State and Federal secondary drinking-water standard of 250 mg/L (Georgia Environmental Protection Division, 1997; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000). Saltwater contamination has constrained further development of the Upper Floridan aquifer in the Brunswick area, which has stimulated interest in the development of alternative sources of water supply, primarily from the shallower surficial and Brunswick aquifer systems.
- Define mechanisms of ground-water flow and movement of saltwater in the Floridan aquifer system.
- Define the vertical geometry of the high-chloride plume.
- Assess alternative sources of water supply from the surficial and Brunswick aquifer systems and the Lower Floridan aquifer.
- Monitor long-term groundwater levels and quality; develop and maintain a comprehensive groundwater database.
Groundwater Conditions
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia (website with current updates)
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2012-2014, pg 30-31, 48-50
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2010-2011, pg 32-33, 56-58
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2008-2009, pg 66-67
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2006-2007, pg 68-69
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2004-2005, pg 66-67
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2002-2003, pg 68-69
- Groundwater Conditions of Georgia, 2001
Regional Water Planning Council for Coastal Georgia
Georgia Automated Environmental Monitoring Network
College of Coastal Georgia
Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia
USGS funded the monitoring equipment with installation date of 10/27/1999. The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the University of Georgia has covered the cost of maintenance since that time.
Selected References
Wait, R.L., and Gregg, D.O., 1973, Hydrology and chloride contamination of the principal artesian aquifer in Glynn County: Georgia Department of Natural Resources Hydrologic Report, 93 p.
Peck, M.F., Clarke, J.S., Ransom, Camille III, and Richards, C.J., 1999, Potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan Aquifer in Georgia and adjacent parts of Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina, May 1998, and water-level trends in Georgia, 1990-98: Georgia Geologic Survey Hydrologic Atlas 22, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000. [Also available at]
Georgia Water Resources Conference Proceedings
Jones, L.E., 2001, Saltwater Contamination in the Upper Floridan Aquifer at Brunswick, Georgia: in Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held March 26-27, 2001, at the University of Georgia, Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, p. 644-647.
Krause, R.E., and Clarke, J.S., 2001, Saltwater contamination of ground water at Brunswick, Georgia and Hilton Head Island, South Carolina: in Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held March 26-27, 2001, at the University of Georgia, Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, p. 756-759.
Peck, M.F., 1999, Water levels in the Upper Floridan aquifer in the coastal area of Georgia, 1990-98: in Proceedings of the 1999 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held March 30-31, 1999, at The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
Peck, M.F., Clarke, J.S., Abu-Ruman, Malek, and Laitta, M.T., 2001, Hydrogeologic Conditions at Two Seepage Ponds in the Coastal Area of Georgia, August 1999 -- February 2001: in Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held March 26-27, 2001, at the University of Georgia, Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
Peck, Michael F., McFadden, Keith W., and Leeth, David C., 2005, Impact of a major industrial shutdown on groundwater flow and quality in the St. Marys area, southeastern Georgia and northeastern Florida, 20012003. Proceedings of the 2005 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held April 25-27, 2005, at the University of Georgia. Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. [Also available at…]
Priest, Sherlyn, and Clarke, John S., 2005, Potential effects of groundwater development in eastern Camden County, Georgia, on groundwater resources of Cumberland Island National Seashore. Proceedings of the 2005 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held April 25-27, 2005, at the University of Georgia. Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. [Also available at…]
Warner, Debbie, and Aulenbach, B.T., 1999, Regression technique for removing effects of tides and pumpage from ground-water levels during an aquifer recovery test at St Marys, Georgia: in Proceedings of the 1999 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held March 30- 31, 1999, at The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
Abstracts and conference papers
Krause, R.E., 2000, Ground-water resources of coastal Georgia--past, present, and future: in Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, no. 2, p. 32.
Payne, D.F., Provost, A.M., Voss, C.I., and Clarke, J.S., 2001, Mechanisms of saltwater contamination of ground water in coastal Georgia, U.S.A.: Preliminary results of variable-density transport modeling: in, First International conference on saltwater intrusion and coastal aquifers-monitoring, modeling, and management, Essaouira, Morrocco, April 23-25, 2001.
Peck, M.F., Abu-Ruman, Maluk, Clarke, J.S., and Georgakakos, A.P., 2000, Water-supply potential of a seepage pond near Brunswick, Georgia: in Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, no. 2, p. 66.
Release Data: 10/4/2016
Below are publications associated with this project.
The Groundwater Conditions of Georgia application has interactive maps and graphs, that calculate water level trends over time. The application is a continuation of a series of reports begun in 1978.
Groundwater Conditions of Georgia
Simulation of groundwater flow in the Brunswick Area, Georgia, for 2004 and 2015, and selected groundwater-management scenarios
Saltwater intrusion in the Floridan aquifer system near downtown Brunswick, Georgia, 1957–2015
Groundwater flow in the Brunswick/Glynn County area, Georgia, 2000-04
Revised hydrogeologic framework of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina
Groundwater conditions in Georgia, 2010–2011
Groundwater conditions in the Brunswick-Glynn County area, Georgia, 2009
Groundwater conditions and studies in the Brunswick–Glynn County area, Georgia, 2008
Ground-Water Conditions and Studies in the Brunswick-Glynn County Area, Georgia, 2007
U.S. Geological Survey Georgia Water Science Center and City of Brunswick–Glynn County Cooperative Water Program— Summary of activities, July 2005 through June 2006
Pond-aquifer flow and water availability in the vicinity of two coastal area seepage ponds, Glynn and Bulloch Counties, Georgia
Summary of hydraulic properties of the Floridan Aquifer system in coastal Georgia and adjacent parts of South Carolina and Florida
Hydrogeology and water quality (1978) of the Floridan aquifer system at U.S. Geological Survey TW-26, on Colonels Island, near Brunswick, Georgia
Below are partners associated with this project.