Papers, Posters, and Exhibits by U.S. Geological Survey Personnel at Georgia Water Resources Conferences
The Georgia Water Resources Institute (GWRI) is a non-profit organization with a mission to improve the science and practice of water resources planning and management in ways that balance quality of life, environmental sustainability, and economic growth. The GWRI hosts Georgia Water Resources Conferences every other year, and USGS personnel always have a large presence at the conference
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2015
April 28 and 29, 2015
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Monthly Water Budgets at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia with some Implications for Climatic Change, Brent T. Aulenbach1, N.E. Peters1, and J. Freer
- Saltwater Intrusion in the Floridan Aquifer System Near Downtown Brunswick, Georgia, Gregory S. Cherry
- Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Back-Barrier Erosion on Cumberland Island National Seashore, Daniel L. Calhoun
- Effects of Land-Applied Biosolids on Surface-Water Nutrient Yields and Ground-Water Quality in Orange County, NC, Chad R. Wagner
- Use of Metered Irrigation Water Use and Landsat Imagery to Estimate Irrigation Rates for Surface-Water–Groundwater Availability Modeling in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Southwestern Georgia, Lynn J. Torak
- Groundwater Sustainability in the Augusta-Richmond County Area, Eastern Georgia, Gerard J. Gonthier
- Recharge Estimates and Baseline Hydrologic Data for the Surficial Aquifer, Jekyll Island, Georgia, Debbie W. Gordon
- Streamstats— A Web-Based Tool for Estimating Streamflow Characteristics in Georgia, Anthony J. Gotvald
- Simulation of Streamflow in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin as Part of the USGS National Water Census, Jacob H. LaFontaine
- Computing Tools for the Water Professional from the U.S. Geological Survey, David C. Leeth
- U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Monitoring in Georgia, Brian E. McCallum
- Beyond the Streamgage, John M. Shelton
- Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods for Urban and Small, Rural Streams in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, Toby D. Feaster
- Using Wetland Morphology to Classify Hydrologic Permanency and Habitat Suitability of Isolated Wetlands at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge in Northwest Florida, USA, Jeffrey W. Riley
- Surveying Isolated Wetlands for Presence of Three Imperiled Amphibian Species Using Environmental DNA at Fort Stewart Military Base, GA, Anna M. McKee
- Watershed Characteristics and Water-Quality Trends and Loads in 12 Watersheds of Gwinnett County, GA, John K. Joiner
- Long-term Hydrologic Monitoring by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Susan C. Grams
- Applied Irrigation Demand: A Comparison of Theoretical Crop Irrigation Demand to Metered Irrigation Water Use, Jaime A. Painter
- Monitoring Saltwater Contamination in the Upper Floridian Aquifer, Brunswick GA, Michael D. Hamrick and Gregory S. Cherry
- Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Upper Floridan Aquifer in the Lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Southwestern Georgia and Parts of Alabama and Florida, 2008-2012, L. Elliott Jones
- Return to Normal Streamflows and Water Levels: Summary of Hydrologic Conditions in Georgia, 2013, Andrew E. Knaak
- Water Use in Georgia by County for 2010 and Water-Use Trends, 1985–2010, Stephen J. Lawrence
- Flood Inundation Mapping in Georgia , Jonathan W. Musser
- Continuous Groundwater Level Monitoring and Water Level Trends in the Principal Aquifers of Georgia, Michael F. Peck
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2013
April 10 and 11, 2013
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Simulating Climate and Landscape Effects on Hydrology Using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System in the Apalachicola- Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Southeastern USA, Jacob LaFontaine, Lauren E. Hay, Roland J. Viger, Steven L. Markstrom, and R Steve Regan
- Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Back-barrier Erosion on Cumberland Island National Seashore, Daniel Calhoun and Jeffrey W. Riley
- Development of a Molecular Monitoring Tool for Imperiled Herpetofauna of the Southeastern U.S., Anna Miriam McKee, Daniel Calhoun1, William Barichivich, Stephens Spear, Caren Goldberg, and Travis Glenn
- Groundwater Modeling to Evaluate Interaquifer Leakage in the Floridan Aquifer System in Coastal Georgia, Gregory S. Cherry
- Revised Hydrogeologic Framework of the Floridan Aquifer System in Florida, and Parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, Lester J. Williams
- Hydrologic and Water-quality Conditions in the Lower Apalachicola- Chattahoochee-flint and Parts of the Aucillasuwannee-Ochlockonee River Basins Georgia, Florida and Alabama, During Drought Conditions, July 2011, Debbie Warner Gordon, Michael F. Peck, and Jaime E. Painter
- The Impact of On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems on the Nitrogen Load and Baseflow in Urbanizing Watersheds of Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, C. Oliver, L.M. Risse, D. Radcliffe, M. Habteselassie, and J. Clarke
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2011
April 11, 12, and 13, 2011
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Modeling Climate Change and Ecosystem Response-developing Tools to Guide Resource Management in the Southeastern United States, W. Brian Hughes, Melinda S. Dalton, and Sonya A. Jones
- USGS Monitoring Efforts and Lessons Learned from the Historic 2009 Georgia Floods, Brian E. McCallum, and Anthony J. Gotvald
- Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Urban Basins of Georgia, Anthony J. Gotvald, and Andrew E. Knaak
- Hydraulic Modeling and Flood-inundation Mapping in Dougherty, Fulton, Cobb, and Gwinnett Counties, Georgia, Jonathan W. Musser
- Extreme Drought to Extreme Floods: Summary of Hydrologic Conditions in Georgia, 2009, Andrew E. Knaak, Timothy K. Pojunas, and Michael F. Peck
- Relation of Aquifer Confinement and Long-term Groundwater-level Decline in the Floridan Aquifer System, Lester J. Williams, Alyssa D. Dausman, and Jason C. Bellino
- An Update on the Thickness and Extent of the Surficial Aquifer System and its Potential Use as an Alternative Water Source in Coastal Georgia, Harold E. Gill, Lester J. Williams, and Jason C. Bellino
- Analysis of Complex Pumping Interactions During an Aquifer Test Conducted at a Well Field in the Coastal Plain near Augusta, Georgia, October 2009, Gerard J. Gonthier
- Summary of Hydrologic Testing of the Floridan Aquifer System at Fort Stewart, Coastal Georgia, 2009-2010, Gerard J. Gonthier
- Quest for Water in Coastal Georgia-assessment of Alternative Water Sources at Hunter Army Airfield, Chatham County, Georgia, John S. Clarke
- Groundwater Modeling to Evaluate Interaquifer Leakage in the Floridan Aquifer System near Hunter Army Airfield and Fort Stewart, Georgia, Gregory S. Cherry
- Revised Hydrogeologic Framework for the Floridan Aquifer System in the Northern Coastal Areas of Georgia and Parts of South Carolina, Harold E. Gill and Lester J. Williams
- Saline Aquifer Mapping Project in the Southeastern United States, Rick M. Spechler1 and Lester J. Williams
- Sediment Monitoring Using Surrogate Methods, Mark Landers
- Benefits of Long-term Water-quality Monitoring in Georgia, Susan C. Grams
- Geospatial Analysis of Agricultural Water-meter Data In South Georgia, Lynn J. Torak and Jamie A. Painter
- Hydrologic Factors Affecting Sinkhole Development in a Well Field in the Karst Dougherty Plain, Southwest of Albany, Georgia, Debbie Warner Gordon
- Hydrogeology, Hydraulic Properties, and Water Quality of the Surficial Aquifer: a Potential Alternative Water Source at Fort Stewart, Liberty County, Georgia, Michael D. Hamrick, and Gerard J. Gonthier
- Hydrologic Modeling of the Apalachicola–Chattahoochee–Flint River Basin Using the U.S. Geological Survey Precipitation Runoff Modeling System, Jacob H. LaFontaine, Lauren E. Hay, Roland Viger, and Steven L. Markstrom
- Saline Aquifers in Coastal Georgia: Assessment Using Borehole Geophysical Logs at the Fort Pulaski Core Site, Chatham County, Georgia, Katrina Ostrowicki, and Lester J. Williams
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2009
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Streamflow Data and Hydrologic Conditions of Georgia, 2007, A.E. Knaak and J. Joiner, USGS
- The Israeli Red Line—A Possible Way to Manage Ground-water Conditions in Georgia? J.S. Clarke, USGS
- Impact of Declining Water Levels on Domestic Wells in South-Central Georgia, M.E. Hall, NRCS and O.G. Holloway, USGS
- An Update on Sediment Studies Associated with the City of Atlanta Long-Term Monitoring Program, A.J. Horowitz, USGS
- Hydrologic Characteristics of Watersheds in Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, 2003-2007, J. LaFontaine, USGS
- Comparison of Hydrograph Separation Methods, J. Joiner, USGS
- Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Rural Basins of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, A.J. Gotvald, USGS, J.C. Weaver, North Carolina Water Science Center and T.D. Feaster, South Carolina Water Science Center
- Fishes of Georgia: A Freshwater Fish Atlas, C.A. Straight, UGA, B.J. Freeman, Georgia Museum of Natural History, B. Albanese, GA DNR, and M.C. Freeman, USGS
- Influence of Septic Wastewater-Treatment Systems on Base Flow in Southeastern Gwinnett County, Georgia, October 2007, M. Landers and P. Ankcorn, USGS
- Assessing Channel Change Using USGS Stream Gaging Data, J.W. Riley, USGS
- Hydrologic and Land-use/Land-cover Metrics Used in Ecological Assessments of Six U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuges in the Southeastern USA, G.R. Buell, D.L. Calhoun and L.L. Wehmeyer, USGS
- Assessment of Hydrogeology and Effects of Pumping on Water-Bearing Zones Within and Overlying the Upper Floridan Aquifer, South-Central Georgia, J.S. Clarke, USGS
- Revised Hydrostratigraphy of the Upper Floridan Aquifer in South-Central Georgia: Insights Gained Through Flowmeter Logging, L. Williams, USGS
- Effects of Climate and Pumpage on the Ground-water Level of the Upper Floridan Aquifer in the Aucillla-Suwannee-Ochlockonee River Basin in South-Central Georgia, L.J. Torak, USGS
- Temporal and Spatial Variation of Simulated Effects on Base Flow of Increased Groundwater Pumping in the Lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, L.E. Jones, USGS
- New Evidence of Leakage from Lake Seminole Into Karst Limestone and the Apalachicola River Near Chattahoochee, Florida, L.J. Torak, USGS and J.H. Sanders, Jr., US Army Corps of Engineers
- Using the World Wide Web to Assess Current Ground-Water Conditions in Georgia, 2008, D.C. Leeth, USGS
- Simulated Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Saltwater Intrusion in the Upper Floridan Aquifer at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, D.F. Payne, USGS
- Ground-Water Modeling and Monitoring to Manage Chloride Plume Expansion in the Upper Floridan Aquifer Near Brunswick, Georgia, G.S. Cherry, USGS
- Movement and Discharge of Trichloroethene to Streams Near U.S. Air Force Plant 6, Marietta, Georgia, L.J. Williams and G.J. Gonthier, USGS
- Conceptual Model of Groundwater Flow in Fractured-Crystalline Rock: A Case Study Based on Constant-Discharge Tests at U.S. Air Force Plant 6, Marietta, Georgia, 2003, G.J. Gonthier, USGS
- Hydrologic Pathway Contributions to Stream Fluxes of Weathering Products at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, N.E. Peters and B.T. Aulenbach, USGS
- Assessment of Pesticides in Urbanized Watersheds of the Atlanta Metropolitan Area, Georgia, W.B. Hughes and C. Moon, USGS
- Occurrence of Organic Wastewater-Indicator Compounds in the Urban Streams of Atlanta, Georgia, 2003-2006, S.J. Lawrence, USGS
- Real-Time Water-Level and Specific Conductance Monitoring of Saltwater Contamination in the Upper Floridan Aquifer, Brunswick, Georgia, C. Walls, A. Cressler and W. Stayton, USGS
- Well Inventory and Geophysical Logging of Selected Wells in Troup County, Georgia, M.F. Peck, D.C. Leeth, M.D. Hamrick, USGS
- Effectiveness of Water-Management Actions During Droughts in the Chattahoochee River Basin, Metropolitan Atlanta, 1995-2008, J.L .Fanning, USGS
- Evaluation of Floodplain Modifications to Reduce the Effect of Floods Using a Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of the Flint River in Albany, Georgia, J.W. Musser, USGS
- United States Geological Survey Georgia Water Science Center Streamflow Gaging Network in Cobb County, Georgia, A.E. Knaak, USGS
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2007
April 11, 12, and 13, 2007
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Regional Effect of Pumping Ground Water from Deep Fracture Systems in the Conyers area, Rockdale County, Georgia, Lester .J. Williams and Alan Cressler
- Flood-Tracking Chart for the Chattahoochee River near Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia,, Jacob H. LaFontaine, B.E. McCallum, T.C. Stamey, and C.J. Wipperfurth
- Development of an Online Database for Storage and Retrieval of Drilling-Log Information for Georgia, Randy Kath and L.J. Williams
- The Monitoring and Modeling Approach to Support Ground-Water Management in Georgia ., John S. Clarke
- Ground-Water Conditions in Georgia, 2005 ., David C. Leeth
- Geohydrology and Water Exchange in the Aucilla-Suwannee-Ochlockonee River Basin, South-Central Georgia and Adjacent Areas of Florida: A Project Overview, Lynn Torak
- Estimating Barometric Efficiency Using a Graphical Method on Nearly Continuous Data, Gerard Gonthier
- Alachlor and Two Degradates of Alachlor in Ground and Surface Water, Southwestern Georgia and Adjacent Parts of Alabama and Florida, 1993-2005, Elizabeth A. Frick and M.S. Dalton USGS
- Community Water System Collaboration Pilot Project in Georgia, Brad Addison, GA EPD, and L.J. Williams
- Dissolved Constituent Concentrations at 21 Streamwater Monitoring Sites in the City of Atlanta from 2003-2006 ., Norman Peters
- Results from the City of Atlanta Water-Quantity and Water-Quality Monitoring Program: Suspended Sediment, Trace Element, and Nutrient Fluxes, 2004-2005 ., Arthur J. Horowitz, K.A. Elrick and J.J. Smith
- Changes in Stream Temperature for Selected Streams in Georgia, 1955-2004 ., Jonathon W. Musser and D.C. Leeth,
- Analysis of Quality-Assurance and Quality-Control Procedures for an Urban Water-Quality Monitoring Program, Gwinnett County, Georgia ., Andrew E. Knaak and P.D. Ankcorn
- Water Availability for Ecological Needs in the Upper Flint River Basin, Georgia: A USGS Science Thrust Project ., W. Brian Hughes, M.C. Freeman, UGA, M.B. Gregory and J.T. Peterson
- Optimization of Ground-Water Pumpage Distribution to Limit Chloride Plume Expansion in the Upper Floridan Aquifer near Brunswick, Georgia, Gregory S. Cherry and D.F. Payne
- Effects of Pumpage Reductions in the Savannah, Georgia-Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Area on Saltwater Intrusion near Hilton Head Island ., Dorothy F. Payne
- Simulation of Salinity in the Tidal Marshes in the Vicinity of the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge Using Artificial Neural Networks ., Paul A. Conrads, E.A. Roehl, R.C. Daamen, and W. Kitchen
- Saltwater Contamination in the Upper Floridan Aquifer in the Savannah/Vernonburg, Georgia, Area, 2004-2006, Mark E. Hall and M.F. Peck
- Flood-Tracking Chart for the Chattahoochee River near Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, Jacob H. LaFontaine, B.E. McCallum, T.C. Stamey and C.J. Wipperfurth
- Consumptive Water Use - A Critical Component of Georgia's Comprehensive Statewide Water Management Plan ., Julia L. Fanning
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2005
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Diel Turbidity Fluctuations in Streams in Gwinnett County, Georgia, Stephanie Gillain
- Reconnaissance of Baseflow Water Quality in Georgia, S. Jack Alhadeff and Mark N. Landers
- The Use of Hydroacoustic Current Meters to Measure the Flow of Georgia Streams, Anthony J. Gotvald
- Improving Stream Solute Load Estimation by the Composite Method: A Comparative Analysis Using Data from the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Brent T. Aulenbach and Richard P. Hooper,
- Seasonality and Trends in Stream Water Quality in Gwinnett County, Georgia, 1996-2003, Mark N. Landers
- Joint Systems and Their Potential Influence on Groundwater in the LithoniaBConyers Area, Georgia, Donna D. Tucker and Lester J. Williams
- Establishment of a Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Network to Assess the Potential Effects of Groundwater Development in an Igneous and Metamorphic Rock Aquifer, and Preliminary Data, Lawrenceville, Georgia, 2003- 2004 Phillip N. Albertson
- Hydraulic Logging Methods a Summary of Field Methods Used in Fractured Bedrock Systems, Carole D. Johnson, John H. Williams, and Lester J. Williams
- Two-dimensional Flood-Inundation Model of the Flint River at Albany, Georgia, Jonathan W. Musser and Thomas R. Dyar
- Surface and Ground Water Interactions Groundwater Conditions in Georgia 2003, David C. Leeth
- Impact of a Major Industrial Shutdown on Groundwater Flow and Quality in the St. Marys Area, Southeastern Georgia and Northeastern Florida, 2001-2003, Michael F. Peck, Keith W. McFadden, and David C. Leeth
- Georgia Coastal Sound Science Initiative 2005 - What Have We Learned? John S. Clarke and Dorothy F. Payne and William F. Falls
- Analysis of Groundwater Flowpaths and Potential for Interstate Migration of Contaminants in the Vicinity of the Savannah River Site, Georgia and South Carolina, 2002-2020, Gregory S. Cherry
- Development of Water-Use Projections for Groundwater Flow Models in the Coastal Plain of Georgia and South Carolina, Julia L. Fanning and Gregory S. Cherry
- Volatile Organic Compounds in Streams near Wastewater Outfalls, Rockdale County, Georgia, 2002-2004, Jolene J. Jones
- Potential Effects of Groundwater Development in Eastern Camden County, Georgia, on Groundwater Resources of Cumberland Island National Seashore, Sherlyn Priest and John S. Clarke
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2003
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Stormflow and Baseflow Concentrations and Yields of Total Nitrogen for Watersheds in Gwinnett County, Georgia, Mark N. Landers, Paul D. Ankcorn
- Effects of Urban Development on Nutrient Loads and Streamflow, Upper Chattahoochee River Basin, Georgia, 1976-2001, Daniel L. Calhoun, Elizabeth A. Frick and Gary R. Buell
- Effects of Land Use on Streamflow Yields of Selected Constituents for Watersheds in Gwinnett County, GA, Mark N. Landers, Paul D. Ankcorn
- Geographic Information Systems in Support of Index of Biotic Integrity Monitoring in Georgia Streams, Thomas L. Litts Jr., Department of Natural Resources
- Using a Geographic Information System to Rank Urban Intensity of Small Watersheds for the Chattahoochee, Flint, Ocmulgee, and Oconee River Basinsin the Piedmont Ecoregion of Georgia and Alabama, Evelyn H. Hopkins
- Effects of Urbanization on Stream Ecosystems in the Piedmont Ecoregion of Georgia and Alabama - A Study Design, M. Brian Gregory, Wade L. Bryant
- Field Monitoring of Bridge Scour at Four BridgeSites in Georgia, Anthony J. Gotvald
- Innovative Uses of Engineered Soils and Functional Landscapes in Stormwater Management and Land Planning, Wayne E. King Sr., ERTH Products
- Clarifying Turbidity - The Potential and Limitations of Turbidity as a Surrogate for Water-Quality Monitoring, Paul D. Ankcorn
- Flood-Tracking Chart, Flint River Basin, Georgia, Brian L. Cochran, Brian E. McCallum, Timothy C. Stamey and Caryl J. Wipperfurth
- Floodplain Mapping in Georgia Using Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle Base Maps, J.W. Musser, T.R. Dyar and S.J. Alhadeff
- Topographic Map Viewer for Georgia, S.J. Alhadeff, D.V. Alhadeff, T.R. Dyar and J.W. Musser/Georgia Tech Center for Spatial Analysis Technologies
- Flood Forecast Operations at the National Weather Service Forecast Office
- National Water-Quality Assessment in Georgia - 2001-2011, W. Brian Hughes, Marian P. Berndt
- Quality-Assurance and Quality-Control Procedures for an Urban Water-quality Monitoring Program, Gwinnett County, Georgia, Andrew E. Knaak, Paul D. Ankcorn
- Comparison of Methods Used to Estimate LakeEvaporation For a Water Budget of LakeSeminole,Southwestern Georgia and Northwestern Florida, Melinda S. Mosner, Brent T. Aulenbach
- Assessment of Karst Features Underlying Lake Seminole, Southwestern Georgia and Northwestern Florida, Using Orthorectified Photographs of Preimpoundment Conditions and Hydrographic Maps, Lynn J. Torak
- Simulated Effects of Impoundment of LakeSeminole on Surface- and Ground-Water Flow in Southwestern Georgia and Adjacent Parts of Alabama and Florida, L. Elliott Jones, Lynn J. Torak
- Physical and Hydrochemical Evidence for LakeLeakage in Lake Seminole, Georgia, Dianna M. Crilley, Lynn J. Torak
- Parallel Development of MODFLOW and SUTRA Models in Coastal Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida: An Approach to Study Regional Ground-Water Flow and Local Saltwater Intrusion, Dorothy F. Payne, Alden M. Provost and Clifford I. Voss
- Model Framework and Preliminary Results of the Regional MODFLOW Ground-Water Flow Model of Coastal Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida, Malek Abu Rumman, Dorothy F. Payne
- Stream-Aquifer Relations in the Coastal Area of Georgia and Adjacent Parts of Florida and South Carolina, Sherlyn Priest, John S. Clarke
- Ground-water Levels in Georgia, 2001, David C. Leeth, John S. Clarke
- The Surficial and Brunswick Aquifer Systems - Alternative Ground-Water Resources for Coastal Georgia, John S. Clarke
- Influence of Foliation Fracture Systems on Water Availability in the Lawrenceville, Georgia, Area, Lester J. Williams
- Structural and Lithologic Controls on Ground-water Availability in a Granite and Biotite Gneiss in the Conyers, Georgia, Area, Donna D. Khallouf, Lester J. Williams
- Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Georgia Water Supplies: Implications for Community Water Systems, Phillip N. Albertson
- Precipitation, Ground-Water Use, and Ground-Water Levels in the Vicinity of the Savannah River Site, Georgia and South Carolina, 1992-2002, Gregory S. Cherry
- Water Use in Georgia, 2000; And Trends, 1950-2000, Julia L. Fanning
- Topographic Map Viewer for Georgia, Jack Alhadeff, D. V. Alhadeff, T. R. Dyar and J. W. Musser
- Active Learning - Water-Quality Education for Youth at the Annual Natural Resources Conservation Workshop Field Day, Tifton, Georgia, Kristin Ling Smith, M. Brian Gregory and B. Joel Wood
- An Overview of Water-Resource Issues in the Middle and Lower Flint River Subbasins, Southwest Georgia, Debbie Warner, Virgil Norton
- Flood-Tracking Chart, Flint River Basin, Brian L. Cochran, Brian E. McCallum, Timothy C. Stamey and Caryl J. Wipperfurth,
- Development of an Estimated Water-Table Map for Coastal Georgia and Adjacent Parts of Florida and South Carolina, Michael F. Peck, Dorothy F. Payne
- Development of a Water-use Database for Use in Coastal Region Ground-Water Models, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida , 1980-2000, Da'Vette A. Taylor, Jaime A. Painter and Dorothy F. Payne
- Water Quality and Upland Wetland Aquatic Communities of Cumberland Island, Georgia, 1999-2000, Elizabeth A. Frick, M. Brian Gregory, Daniel L. Calhoun and Evelyn H. Hopkins
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2001
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Ground-water Monitoring and Effects of the 1998-2000 Drought on Ground-water Levels in Georgia, Kristen B. McSwain and Nancy Barber
- Effects of Drought on Stream Discharge and Ground-water Levels Near Lake Seminole, Southwestern Georgia and Northwestern Florida, October 1999 - August 2000, Melinda S. Mosner
- Physical and Hydrochemical Evidence of Surface-water/Ground-water Mixing in and near Lake Seminole, Southwestern Georgia and Northwestern Florida, Lynn J. Torak
- Comparison of Pre- and Post-impoundment Ground-water Levels near the Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam Site, Jackson County, Florida, Phillip N. Albertson
- Simulated Effects of Pumpage and Climatic Conditions on Stream-aquifer Flow in Streams Harboring Federally Protected Mussel Species, Northwestern Florida and Southwestern Georgia (Poster ), Phillip N. Albertson
- Using the Digital Environmental Atlas of Georgia, S.J. Alhadeff; J.W. Musser and John O'Looney
- Using the Digital Surface-water Annual Data Report for Georgia, S.J. Alhadeff, M.N. Landers
- Managing Information About the Failure of Drinking Water Sources: Identifying a Baseline for the Development of the Next Generation of Water Management Information Systems, B.E. McCallum and D.V. Alhadeff
- Georgia HydroWatch - A New Concept in Hydrologic Monitoring for Georgia, John K. Joiner and Brian E. McCallum, J. John Feldt,Lans Rothfusz, Ed Martin and Memphis Vaughan, Jr.
- Urbanization Effects on Streamflow in the Atlanta, Georgia Area, Norman E. Peters , and Seth Rose
- Presence of Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater Effluent and Drinking Water, Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, July-September 1999, Elizabeth A. Frick
- Composition and Changes in Atmospheric Deposition near Atlanta, Georgia, 1986-99, Norman E. Peters and Brent T. Aulenbach ; and Tilden P. Meyers,
- A Conceptual Program for Water Quality Monitoring in the Upper Chattahoochee River Basin in Georgia, Brian E. McCallum and Arthur J. Horowitz
- Estimating Chattahoochee River Tributary Stream Temperatures in the Vicinity of Atlanta, Georgia, Thomas R. Dyar and S.J. Alhadeff
- Indicator-bacteria Concentrations in Streams of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, March 1999-April 2000, M. Brian Gregory and Elizabeth A. Frick
- Field Monitoring of Bridge Scour in Georgia, Anthony J. Gotvald and Mark N. Landers
- Water-quality Monitoring in Gwinnett County, Paul D. Ankcorn and Mark N. Landers ; and Janet P. Vick
- Trichloroethene Presence in Rottenwood Creak Near Air Force Plant 6, Marietta, Georgia, Summer 2000, Gerard J. Gonthier and Jonathan P. Waddell
- Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories, Univ. of Georgia ; William Segars,Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences, UGA; and Kristen B. McSwain
- Use of Ground-water Flow Models for Simulation of Water-management Scenarios for Coastal Georgia and Adjacent Parts of South Carolina, John S. Clarke and Richard E. Krause
- Saltwater Contamination in the Upper Floridan Aquifer at Brunswick, Georgia, L. Elliott Jones
- Using Marine Reflection Seismics to Identify Potential Seawater Intrusion Sites in the Upper Floridan Aquifer of Coastal Georgia and South Carolina Hydrogeology and Water Quality of the Preliminary Numerical Models of Saltwater Transport in Coastal Georgia and Southeastern South Carolina, D.F. Payne, A.M. Provost and C.I. Voss
- Preliminary Simulation of Pond-aquifer Flow and Water Availability at a Seepage Pond Near Brunswick, Georgia, Malek Abu-Ruman, and John S. Clarke
- New Watershed Boundary Map for Georgia, Mark N. Landers and Keith McFadden ; and Jimmy R. Bramblett,
- Summary of Fecal-coliform Bacteria Concentrations in Streams of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, May-Oct. 1994 and 1995, M. Brian Gregory and Elizabeth A. Frick
- Saltwater Contamination of Ground Water at Brunswick, Georgia and Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Richard E. Krause and John S. Clarke
- Linkage of Offshore and Onshore Hydrogeologic Data for Coastal Georgia and Adjacent Parts of South Carolina and Florida Using a Geographic Information System, Michael T. Laitta
- Hydrogeologic Conditions at Two Seepage Ponds in the Coastal Area of Georgia, August 1999 to February 2001, Michael F. Peck and John S. Clarke; Malek Abu-Ruman and Michael T. Laitta
- Use of Two-dimensional Direct-current-resistivity Profiling to Detect Fracture Zones in a Crystalline Rock Aquifer near Lawrenceville, Georgia, Lester J. Williams and Marcel Belaval
- Public-supply Water Use in the Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia Area, 1995-2000, Julia L. Fanning
- Summary of Streamflow Conditions for Calendar Year 2000 in Georgia, Timothy C. Stamey
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 1999
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Relation of Land Use to Nutrient and Suspended-Sediment Concentrations, Loads, and Yields in the Upper Chattahoochee River Basin, Georgia, 1993-98, Elizabeth A. Frick and Gary R. Buell
- Can Land-use Patterns Serve as a Predictor of Pesticide Occurrence Within an Urban Landscape? Evelyn H. Hopkins and Daniel J. Hippe
- Assessing Water Quality in the Mobile River Basin, J. Brian Atkins
- Evaluating Water Quality of Navigable Waters in Georgia Using a Geographic Information System, Diane C. Burgoon and Keith W. McFadden
- Aquifer Interconnection in Eastern Chatham County, Georgia, as Indicated by Hydraulic and Water Chemistry Data , John S. Clarke, Cardwell H. Smith and James B. McConnell
- Summary of Selected U.S. Geological Survey Programs in Georgia, with Emphasis on Water Resources Investigations, Steven D. Craigg and John S. Clarke
- Water Use in Coastal Georgia by County and Source for 1997 and Trends, 1980-97, Julia L. Fanning
- Water Levels in the Upper Floridian Aquifer in the Coastal Area of Georgia, 1996, Michel F. Peck
- Hydrogeology of the Lawrenceville Area, Georgia, Melinda J. Chapman, Thomas J. Crawford
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 1997
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Environmental Distribution of Mercury Related to Land Use and Physicochemical Setting in Watersheds of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Carol A. Couch
- Transport of Trace Elements and Semi-volatile Organic Compounds in Fluvial Sediments of the Lower Flint River (Georgia) and Apalachicola River (Georgia,Florida, Alabama) Basins During Tropical Storm Alberto, July 1994, Gary R. Buell
- World Wide Web Access to U.S. Geological Survey Publications and Data: Apalachicola- Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama, 1992-95, Jerry W. Garrett, Howard A. Perlman, and Judith D. ScholzMarianna Lowlands Districts, Southwestern Georgia and Adjacent Areas of Alabama and Florida, Daniel J. Hippe
- Hydrologic Unit Mapping in Georgia, Mark N. Landers
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Nutrient Concentrations in Surface Waters of the Chattahoochee River Basin Near Atlanta, Georgia, Norman E. Peters, Gary R. Buell, and Elizabeth A. Frick
- Upper Chattahoochee River Basin, Georgia, 1992-95, Elizabeth A. Frick, Joseph C. DeVivo, Carol A. Couch, and Byron J. Freeman
- Effects of Acidic Deposition on Water Quality and Forest Health in Georgia, Thomas G. Huntington and Richard P. Hooper
- Technical Problems with Implementing a Statewide Sediment Control Program, Art Horowitz
- Characterization of a Crystalline-rock Aquifer Near Lawrenceville, Georgia: Application of Advances in Borehole and Surface Geophysical Methods, Melinda J. Chapman, David W. Hicks , Michael F. Peck, and W. Todd Tharpe
- Use of Ground-penetrating Radar to Characterize Hydrostratigraphic Units Within a Georgia Coastal Plain Province, Moderator: David W. Hicks
- Saltwater Intrusion in the Floridan Aquifer System, Northeastern Florida, Rick M. Spechler and G.G. Phelps
- Hydraulic Properties of the Karstic Upper Floridan Aquifer Near Albany, Georgia, Debbie Warner
- Nature of Groundwater Aquifers in the Upper Coastal Plain of Georgia and South CarolinaThe Spatial Distribution of Dissolved Pesticides in Surface Water of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin in Relation to Land Use and Pesticide Runoff-Potential Ratings, May 1994, Daniel J. Hippe and Jerry W. Garrett
- Ground-water Management in Coastal Georgia and Adjacent Parts of South Carolina and Florida: I. Ground-water Resources and Constraints to Development,Richard E. Krause
- Ground-water Management in Coastal Georgia and Adjacent Parts of South Carolina and Florida: II. Numerical Ground-water Modeling,L. Elliot Jones
- The Necessity for Water Supply Management Planning by Local GovernmentsGround-water Flow and Stream-aquifer Relations Near the Savannah River Site, Georgia and South Carolina, John S. Clarke
- Estimation of Baseflow From Streamflow Data in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint and the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basins, L. Elliot Jones and Gregory C. Mayer
- Analysis of Ground-Water Withdrawals from a Crystalline-rock Aquifer Near Lawrenceville, Georgia, W. Todd Tharpe, Michael F. Peck, and Melinda J. Chapman
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 1995
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Hydrology of the Flood of '94 in Georgia, Tim Hale
- Study Design for USGS's National Water Quality Assessment Program for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, David J. Wangsness
- Pesticide Occurrence and Temporal Distribution in Streams Draining Urban and Agricultural Basins in Georgia and Florida, 1993-94, Daniel Hippe, Hilda Hatzell, Lisa Ham and Patricia Hardy
- Water Quality in Surficial Aquifers in Two Agricultural Areas in Georgia, Alabama and Florida, Elizabeth A. Frick and Christy A. Crandall
- Environmental Distribution of Organochlorine Compounds in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Gary R. Buell and Carol A. Couch
- Effect of Restricted Phosphate Detergent Use and Mandated Upgrades at Two Wastewater Treatment Facilities on Water Quality, Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, 1988-1993, Joseph DeVivo, Elizabeth Frick, Daniel Hippe and Gary Buell
- Panel Discussion: Sediments and Water Quality, Art Horowitz
- Benchmark Farms for Estimating Irrigation Water Use in Georgia, Julia L. Fanning
- Floods in Central and Southwestern Georgia in July 1994, Timothy C. Stamey
- The Independence Day Flood of 1994, and Effects on Water Levels in the Upper Floridan Aquifer, Albany Area, Georgia, David W. Hicks
- NAWQA Program: Water Quality Conditions and Mass Transport in the Flint River, Southwestern Georgia, Related to the Flood of July 1994, Caused by Tropical Storm Alberto, Daniel J. Hippe and Jerry W. Garrett
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 1993
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- National Water Quality Assessment Program: Overview of the Apalachicola- Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, David J. Wangsness
- National Water Quality Assessment Program: Environmental Setting of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Carol A. Couch
- National Water Quality Assessment Program: Analysis of Available Information on Pesticides for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Susan M. Stell
- National Water Quality Assessment Program: A Preliminary Evaluation of 1990 Nutrient Loads for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Elizabeth A. Frick, Susan M. Stell, and Gary R. Buell
- Water Use in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, 1990, Richard L. Marella
- Interactive Display and Query of Near Real-time Data from a Hydrologic Alert Network, Timothy Libermann, Janet Ciegler, and Susan Lambert
- Measuring Hydrologic Droughts in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Influence of Climate on Public-Supply System Water Use in Georgia, Julia Fanning
- David Bosch, USDA-ARS Southeast Watershed Research Lab, and David Hicks
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 1991
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Water Use in Georgia, 1980-89, Julia L. Fanning
- Ground-water Availability in the South Metropolitan Atlanta Region, Georgia, John S. Clarke and Michael F. Peck
- High-yielding Wells in Metamorphic Rocks: Influencing Factors, Melinda J. Chapman, and Thomas J. Crawford
- Georgia Stream Temperature Characteristics, Thomas R. Dyar and S. Jack Alhadeff
- Field Testing Pesticide Transport Models at a Cooperative Test Site Near Plains, Georgia, Charles N. Smith, David Brown, Rudolph Parrish, Loris Asmussen,Ralph Leonard, D. Woodrow Hicks; William Payne and R. Shaw Fletcher
- hydrogeologic Evaluations for High-yieldingWells in the Piedmont Province of Georgia and Alabama, Thomas Crawford
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 1989
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Water Use and Power Generation in Georgia, Julia L. Fanning, U.S. Geological Survey
- Development of Water-table and Depth to Water Maps for the Southeastern United States Using a Geographic Information System, John S. Clarke, and Jerry W. Sorensen and George Collins
- The 1986 and 1988 Droughts in Georgia, Jeffrey T. Armbruster
- Potential Pesticide Contamination in Ground-water Recharge Areas: A Model Simulation, L.E. Asmussen, D.W. Hicks, R.A. Leonard and W.G. Knisel
The Georgia Water Resources Institute (GWRI) is a non-profit organization with a mission to improve the science and practice of water resources planning and management in ways that balance quality of life, environmental sustainability, and economic growth. The GWRI hosts Georgia Water Resources Conferences every other year, and USGS personnel always have a large presence at the conference
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2015
April 28 and 29, 2015
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Monthly Water Budgets at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia with some Implications for Climatic Change, Brent T. Aulenbach1, N.E. Peters1, and J. Freer
- Saltwater Intrusion in the Floridan Aquifer System Near Downtown Brunswick, Georgia, Gregory S. Cherry
- Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Back-Barrier Erosion on Cumberland Island National Seashore, Daniel L. Calhoun
- Effects of Land-Applied Biosolids on Surface-Water Nutrient Yields and Ground-Water Quality in Orange County, NC, Chad R. Wagner
- Use of Metered Irrigation Water Use and Landsat Imagery to Estimate Irrigation Rates for Surface-Water–Groundwater Availability Modeling in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Southwestern Georgia, Lynn J. Torak
- Groundwater Sustainability in the Augusta-Richmond County Area, Eastern Georgia, Gerard J. Gonthier
- Recharge Estimates and Baseline Hydrologic Data for the Surficial Aquifer, Jekyll Island, Georgia, Debbie W. Gordon
- Streamstats— A Web-Based Tool for Estimating Streamflow Characteristics in Georgia, Anthony J. Gotvald
- Simulation of Streamflow in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin as Part of the USGS National Water Census, Jacob H. LaFontaine
- Computing Tools for the Water Professional from the U.S. Geological Survey, David C. Leeth
- U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Monitoring in Georgia, Brian E. McCallum
- Beyond the Streamgage, John M. Shelton
- Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods for Urban and Small, Rural Streams in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, Toby D. Feaster
- Using Wetland Morphology to Classify Hydrologic Permanency and Habitat Suitability of Isolated Wetlands at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge in Northwest Florida, USA, Jeffrey W. Riley
- Surveying Isolated Wetlands for Presence of Three Imperiled Amphibian Species Using Environmental DNA at Fort Stewart Military Base, GA, Anna M. McKee
- Watershed Characteristics and Water-Quality Trends and Loads in 12 Watersheds of Gwinnett County, GA, John K. Joiner
- Long-term Hydrologic Monitoring by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Susan C. Grams
- Applied Irrigation Demand: A Comparison of Theoretical Crop Irrigation Demand to Metered Irrigation Water Use, Jaime A. Painter
- Monitoring Saltwater Contamination in the Upper Floridian Aquifer, Brunswick GA, Michael D. Hamrick and Gregory S. Cherry
- Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Upper Floridan Aquifer in the Lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Southwestern Georgia and Parts of Alabama and Florida, 2008-2012, L. Elliott Jones
- Return to Normal Streamflows and Water Levels: Summary of Hydrologic Conditions in Georgia, 2013, Andrew E. Knaak
- Water Use in Georgia by County for 2010 and Water-Use Trends, 1985–2010, Stephen J. Lawrence
- Flood Inundation Mapping in Georgia , Jonathan W. Musser
- Continuous Groundwater Level Monitoring and Water Level Trends in the Principal Aquifers of Georgia, Michael F. Peck
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2013
April 10 and 11, 2013
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Simulating Climate and Landscape Effects on Hydrology Using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System in the Apalachicola- Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Southeastern USA, Jacob LaFontaine, Lauren E. Hay, Roland J. Viger, Steven L. Markstrom, and R Steve Regan
- Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Back-barrier Erosion on Cumberland Island National Seashore, Daniel Calhoun and Jeffrey W. Riley
- Development of a Molecular Monitoring Tool for Imperiled Herpetofauna of the Southeastern U.S., Anna Miriam McKee, Daniel Calhoun1, William Barichivich, Stephens Spear, Caren Goldberg, and Travis Glenn
- Groundwater Modeling to Evaluate Interaquifer Leakage in the Floridan Aquifer System in Coastal Georgia, Gregory S. Cherry
- Revised Hydrogeologic Framework of the Floridan Aquifer System in Florida, and Parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, Lester J. Williams
- Hydrologic and Water-quality Conditions in the Lower Apalachicola- Chattahoochee-flint and Parts of the Aucillasuwannee-Ochlockonee River Basins Georgia, Florida and Alabama, During Drought Conditions, July 2011, Debbie Warner Gordon, Michael F. Peck, and Jaime E. Painter
- The Impact of On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems on the Nitrogen Load and Baseflow in Urbanizing Watersheds of Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, C. Oliver, L.M. Risse, D. Radcliffe, M. Habteselassie, and J. Clarke
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2011
April 11, 12, and 13, 2011
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Modeling Climate Change and Ecosystem Response-developing Tools to Guide Resource Management in the Southeastern United States, W. Brian Hughes, Melinda S. Dalton, and Sonya A. Jones
- USGS Monitoring Efforts and Lessons Learned from the Historic 2009 Georgia Floods, Brian E. McCallum, and Anthony J. Gotvald
- Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Urban Basins of Georgia, Anthony J. Gotvald, and Andrew E. Knaak
- Hydraulic Modeling and Flood-inundation Mapping in Dougherty, Fulton, Cobb, and Gwinnett Counties, Georgia, Jonathan W. Musser
- Extreme Drought to Extreme Floods: Summary of Hydrologic Conditions in Georgia, 2009, Andrew E. Knaak, Timothy K. Pojunas, and Michael F. Peck
- Relation of Aquifer Confinement and Long-term Groundwater-level Decline in the Floridan Aquifer System, Lester J. Williams, Alyssa D. Dausman, and Jason C. Bellino
- An Update on the Thickness and Extent of the Surficial Aquifer System and its Potential Use as an Alternative Water Source in Coastal Georgia, Harold E. Gill, Lester J. Williams, and Jason C. Bellino
- Analysis of Complex Pumping Interactions During an Aquifer Test Conducted at a Well Field in the Coastal Plain near Augusta, Georgia, October 2009, Gerard J. Gonthier
- Summary of Hydrologic Testing of the Floridan Aquifer System at Fort Stewart, Coastal Georgia, 2009-2010, Gerard J. Gonthier
- Quest for Water in Coastal Georgia-assessment of Alternative Water Sources at Hunter Army Airfield, Chatham County, Georgia, John S. Clarke
- Groundwater Modeling to Evaluate Interaquifer Leakage in the Floridan Aquifer System near Hunter Army Airfield and Fort Stewart, Georgia, Gregory S. Cherry
- Revised Hydrogeologic Framework for the Floridan Aquifer System in the Northern Coastal Areas of Georgia and Parts of South Carolina, Harold E. Gill and Lester J. Williams
- Saline Aquifer Mapping Project in the Southeastern United States, Rick M. Spechler1 and Lester J. Williams
- Sediment Monitoring Using Surrogate Methods, Mark Landers
- Benefits of Long-term Water-quality Monitoring in Georgia, Susan C. Grams
- Geospatial Analysis of Agricultural Water-meter Data In South Georgia, Lynn J. Torak and Jamie A. Painter
- Hydrologic Factors Affecting Sinkhole Development in a Well Field in the Karst Dougherty Plain, Southwest of Albany, Georgia, Debbie Warner Gordon
- Hydrogeology, Hydraulic Properties, and Water Quality of the Surficial Aquifer: a Potential Alternative Water Source at Fort Stewart, Liberty County, Georgia, Michael D. Hamrick, and Gerard J. Gonthier
- Hydrologic Modeling of the Apalachicola–Chattahoochee–Flint River Basin Using the U.S. Geological Survey Precipitation Runoff Modeling System, Jacob H. LaFontaine, Lauren E. Hay, Roland Viger, and Steven L. Markstrom
- Saline Aquifers in Coastal Georgia: Assessment Using Borehole Geophysical Logs at the Fort Pulaski Core Site, Chatham County, Georgia, Katrina Ostrowicki, and Lester J. Williams
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2009
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Streamflow Data and Hydrologic Conditions of Georgia, 2007, A.E. Knaak and J. Joiner, USGS
- The Israeli Red Line—A Possible Way to Manage Ground-water Conditions in Georgia? J.S. Clarke, USGS
- Impact of Declining Water Levels on Domestic Wells in South-Central Georgia, M.E. Hall, NRCS and O.G. Holloway, USGS
- An Update on Sediment Studies Associated with the City of Atlanta Long-Term Monitoring Program, A.J. Horowitz, USGS
- Hydrologic Characteristics of Watersheds in Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, 2003-2007, J. LaFontaine, USGS
- Comparison of Hydrograph Separation Methods, J. Joiner, USGS
- Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Rural Basins of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, A.J. Gotvald, USGS, J.C. Weaver, North Carolina Water Science Center and T.D. Feaster, South Carolina Water Science Center
- Fishes of Georgia: A Freshwater Fish Atlas, C.A. Straight, UGA, B.J. Freeman, Georgia Museum of Natural History, B. Albanese, GA DNR, and M.C. Freeman, USGS
- Influence of Septic Wastewater-Treatment Systems on Base Flow in Southeastern Gwinnett County, Georgia, October 2007, M. Landers and P. Ankcorn, USGS
- Assessing Channel Change Using USGS Stream Gaging Data, J.W. Riley, USGS
- Hydrologic and Land-use/Land-cover Metrics Used in Ecological Assessments of Six U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuges in the Southeastern USA, G.R. Buell, D.L. Calhoun and L.L. Wehmeyer, USGS
- Assessment of Hydrogeology and Effects of Pumping on Water-Bearing Zones Within and Overlying the Upper Floridan Aquifer, South-Central Georgia, J.S. Clarke, USGS
- Revised Hydrostratigraphy of the Upper Floridan Aquifer in South-Central Georgia: Insights Gained Through Flowmeter Logging, L. Williams, USGS
- Effects of Climate and Pumpage on the Ground-water Level of the Upper Floridan Aquifer in the Aucillla-Suwannee-Ochlockonee River Basin in South-Central Georgia, L.J. Torak, USGS
- Temporal and Spatial Variation of Simulated Effects on Base Flow of Increased Groundwater Pumping in the Lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, L.E. Jones, USGS
- New Evidence of Leakage from Lake Seminole Into Karst Limestone and the Apalachicola River Near Chattahoochee, Florida, L.J. Torak, USGS and J.H. Sanders, Jr., US Army Corps of Engineers
- Using the World Wide Web to Assess Current Ground-Water Conditions in Georgia, 2008, D.C. Leeth, USGS
- Simulated Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Saltwater Intrusion in the Upper Floridan Aquifer at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, D.F. Payne, USGS
- Ground-Water Modeling and Monitoring to Manage Chloride Plume Expansion in the Upper Floridan Aquifer Near Brunswick, Georgia, G.S. Cherry, USGS
- Movement and Discharge of Trichloroethene to Streams Near U.S. Air Force Plant 6, Marietta, Georgia, L.J. Williams and G.J. Gonthier, USGS
- Conceptual Model of Groundwater Flow in Fractured-Crystalline Rock: A Case Study Based on Constant-Discharge Tests at U.S. Air Force Plant 6, Marietta, Georgia, 2003, G.J. Gonthier, USGS
- Hydrologic Pathway Contributions to Stream Fluxes of Weathering Products at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, N.E. Peters and B.T. Aulenbach, USGS
- Assessment of Pesticides in Urbanized Watersheds of the Atlanta Metropolitan Area, Georgia, W.B. Hughes and C. Moon, USGS
- Occurrence of Organic Wastewater-Indicator Compounds in the Urban Streams of Atlanta, Georgia, 2003-2006, S.J. Lawrence, USGS
- Real-Time Water-Level and Specific Conductance Monitoring of Saltwater Contamination in the Upper Floridan Aquifer, Brunswick, Georgia, C. Walls, A. Cressler and W. Stayton, USGS
- Well Inventory and Geophysical Logging of Selected Wells in Troup County, Georgia, M.F. Peck, D.C. Leeth, M.D. Hamrick, USGS
- Effectiveness of Water-Management Actions During Droughts in the Chattahoochee River Basin, Metropolitan Atlanta, 1995-2008, J.L .Fanning, USGS
- Evaluation of Floodplain Modifications to Reduce the Effect of Floods Using a Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of the Flint River in Albany, Georgia, J.W. Musser, USGS
- United States Geological Survey Georgia Water Science Center Streamflow Gaging Network in Cobb County, Georgia, A.E. Knaak, USGS
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2007
April 11, 12, and 13, 2007
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Regional Effect of Pumping Ground Water from Deep Fracture Systems in the Conyers area, Rockdale County, Georgia, Lester .J. Williams and Alan Cressler
- Flood-Tracking Chart for the Chattahoochee River near Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia,, Jacob H. LaFontaine, B.E. McCallum, T.C. Stamey, and C.J. Wipperfurth
- Development of an Online Database for Storage and Retrieval of Drilling-Log Information for Georgia, Randy Kath and L.J. Williams
- The Monitoring and Modeling Approach to Support Ground-Water Management in Georgia ., John S. Clarke
- Ground-Water Conditions in Georgia, 2005 ., David C. Leeth
- Geohydrology and Water Exchange in the Aucilla-Suwannee-Ochlockonee River Basin, South-Central Georgia and Adjacent Areas of Florida: A Project Overview, Lynn Torak
- Estimating Barometric Efficiency Using a Graphical Method on Nearly Continuous Data, Gerard Gonthier
- Alachlor and Two Degradates of Alachlor in Ground and Surface Water, Southwestern Georgia and Adjacent Parts of Alabama and Florida, 1993-2005, Elizabeth A. Frick and M.S. Dalton USGS
- Community Water System Collaboration Pilot Project in Georgia, Brad Addison, GA EPD, and L.J. Williams
- Dissolved Constituent Concentrations at 21 Streamwater Monitoring Sites in the City of Atlanta from 2003-2006 ., Norman Peters
- Results from the City of Atlanta Water-Quantity and Water-Quality Monitoring Program: Suspended Sediment, Trace Element, and Nutrient Fluxes, 2004-2005 ., Arthur J. Horowitz, K.A. Elrick and J.J. Smith
- Changes in Stream Temperature for Selected Streams in Georgia, 1955-2004 ., Jonathon W. Musser and D.C. Leeth,
- Analysis of Quality-Assurance and Quality-Control Procedures for an Urban Water-Quality Monitoring Program, Gwinnett County, Georgia ., Andrew E. Knaak and P.D. Ankcorn
- Water Availability for Ecological Needs in the Upper Flint River Basin, Georgia: A USGS Science Thrust Project ., W. Brian Hughes, M.C. Freeman, UGA, M.B. Gregory and J.T. Peterson
- Optimization of Ground-Water Pumpage Distribution to Limit Chloride Plume Expansion in the Upper Floridan Aquifer near Brunswick, Georgia, Gregory S. Cherry and D.F. Payne
- Effects of Pumpage Reductions in the Savannah, Georgia-Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Area on Saltwater Intrusion near Hilton Head Island ., Dorothy F. Payne
- Simulation of Salinity in the Tidal Marshes in the Vicinity of the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge Using Artificial Neural Networks ., Paul A. Conrads, E.A. Roehl, R.C. Daamen, and W. Kitchen
- Saltwater Contamination in the Upper Floridan Aquifer in the Savannah/Vernonburg, Georgia, Area, 2004-2006, Mark E. Hall and M.F. Peck
- Flood-Tracking Chart for the Chattahoochee River near Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, Jacob H. LaFontaine, B.E. McCallum, T.C. Stamey and C.J. Wipperfurth
- Consumptive Water Use - A Critical Component of Georgia's Comprehensive Statewide Water Management Plan ., Julia L. Fanning
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2005
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Diel Turbidity Fluctuations in Streams in Gwinnett County, Georgia, Stephanie Gillain
- Reconnaissance of Baseflow Water Quality in Georgia, S. Jack Alhadeff and Mark N. Landers
- The Use of Hydroacoustic Current Meters to Measure the Flow of Georgia Streams, Anthony J. Gotvald
- Improving Stream Solute Load Estimation by the Composite Method: A Comparative Analysis Using Data from the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Brent T. Aulenbach and Richard P. Hooper,
- Seasonality and Trends in Stream Water Quality in Gwinnett County, Georgia, 1996-2003, Mark N. Landers
- Joint Systems and Their Potential Influence on Groundwater in the LithoniaBConyers Area, Georgia, Donna D. Tucker and Lester J. Williams
- Establishment of a Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Network to Assess the Potential Effects of Groundwater Development in an Igneous and Metamorphic Rock Aquifer, and Preliminary Data, Lawrenceville, Georgia, 2003- 2004 Phillip N. Albertson
- Hydraulic Logging Methods a Summary of Field Methods Used in Fractured Bedrock Systems, Carole D. Johnson, John H. Williams, and Lester J. Williams
- Two-dimensional Flood-Inundation Model of the Flint River at Albany, Georgia, Jonathan W. Musser and Thomas R. Dyar
- Surface and Ground Water Interactions Groundwater Conditions in Georgia 2003, David C. Leeth
- Impact of a Major Industrial Shutdown on Groundwater Flow and Quality in the St. Marys Area, Southeastern Georgia and Northeastern Florida, 2001-2003, Michael F. Peck, Keith W. McFadden, and David C. Leeth
- Georgia Coastal Sound Science Initiative 2005 - What Have We Learned? John S. Clarke and Dorothy F. Payne and William F. Falls
- Analysis of Groundwater Flowpaths and Potential for Interstate Migration of Contaminants in the Vicinity of the Savannah River Site, Georgia and South Carolina, 2002-2020, Gregory S. Cherry
- Development of Water-Use Projections for Groundwater Flow Models in the Coastal Plain of Georgia and South Carolina, Julia L. Fanning and Gregory S. Cherry
- Volatile Organic Compounds in Streams near Wastewater Outfalls, Rockdale County, Georgia, 2002-2004, Jolene J. Jones
- Potential Effects of Groundwater Development in Eastern Camden County, Georgia, on Groundwater Resources of Cumberland Island National Seashore, Sherlyn Priest and John S. Clarke
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2003
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Stormflow and Baseflow Concentrations and Yields of Total Nitrogen for Watersheds in Gwinnett County, Georgia, Mark N. Landers, Paul D. Ankcorn
- Effects of Urban Development on Nutrient Loads and Streamflow, Upper Chattahoochee River Basin, Georgia, 1976-2001, Daniel L. Calhoun, Elizabeth A. Frick and Gary R. Buell
- Effects of Land Use on Streamflow Yields of Selected Constituents for Watersheds in Gwinnett County, GA, Mark N. Landers, Paul D. Ankcorn
- Geographic Information Systems in Support of Index of Biotic Integrity Monitoring in Georgia Streams, Thomas L. Litts Jr., Department of Natural Resources
- Using a Geographic Information System to Rank Urban Intensity of Small Watersheds for the Chattahoochee, Flint, Ocmulgee, and Oconee River Basinsin the Piedmont Ecoregion of Georgia and Alabama, Evelyn H. Hopkins
- Effects of Urbanization on Stream Ecosystems in the Piedmont Ecoregion of Georgia and Alabama - A Study Design, M. Brian Gregory, Wade L. Bryant
- Field Monitoring of Bridge Scour at Four BridgeSites in Georgia, Anthony J. Gotvald
- Innovative Uses of Engineered Soils and Functional Landscapes in Stormwater Management and Land Planning, Wayne E. King Sr., ERTH Products
- Clarifying Turbidity - The Potential and Limitations of Turbidity as a Surrogate for Water-Quality Monitoring, Paul D. Ankcorn
- Flood-Tracking Chart, Flint River Basin, Georgia, Brian L. Cochran, Brian E. McCallum, Timothy C. Stamey and Caryl J. Wipperfurth
- Floodplain Mapping in Georgia Using Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle Base Maps, J.W. Musser, T.R. Dyar and S.J. Alhadeff
- Topographic Map Viewer for Georgia, S.J. Alhadeff, D.V. Alhadeff, T.R. Dyar and J.W. Musser/Georgia Tech Center for Spatial Analysis Technologies
- Flood Forecast Operations at the National Weather Service Forecast Office
- National Water-Quality Assessment in Georgia - 2001-2011, W. Brian Hughes, Marian P. Berndt
- Quality-Assurance and Quality-Control Procedures for an Urban Water-quality Monitoring Program, Gwinnett County, Georgia, Andrew E. Knaak, Paul D. Ankcorn
- Comparison of Methods Used to Estimate LakeEvaporation For a Water Budget of LakeSeminole,Southwestern Georgia and Northwestern Florida, Melinda S. Mosner, Brent T. Aulenbach
- Assessment of Karst Features Underlying Lake Seminole, Southwestern Georgia and Northwestern Florida, Using Orthorectified Photographs of Preimpoundment Conditions and Hydrographic Maps, Lynn J. Torak
- Simulated Effects of Impoundment of LakeSeminole on Surface- and Ground-Water Flow in Southwestern Georgia and Adjacent Parts of Alabama and Florida, L. Elliott Jones, Lynn J. Torak
- Physical and Hydrochemical Evidence for LakeLeakage in Lake Seminole, Georgia, Dianna M. Crilley, Lynn J. Torak
- Parallel Development of MODFLOW and SUTRA Models in Coastal Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida: An Approach to Study Regional Ground-Water Flow and Local Saltwater Intrusion, Dorothy F. Payne, Alden M. Provost and Clifford I. Voss
- Model Framework and Preliminary Results of the Regional MODFLOW Ground-Water Flow Model of Coastal Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida, Malek Abu Rumman, Dorothy F. Payne
- Stream-Aquifer Relations in the Coastal Area of Georgia and Adjacent Parts of Florida and South Carolina, Sherlyn Priest, John S. Clarke
- Ground-water Levels in Georgia, 2001, David C. Leeth, John S. Clarke
- The Surficial and Brunswick Aquifer Systems - Alternative Ground-Water Resources for Coastal Georgia, John S. Clarke
- Influence of Foliation Fracture Systems on Water Availability in the Lawrenceville, Georgia, Area, Lester J. Williams
- Structural and Lithologic Controls on Ground-water Availability in a Granite and Biotite Gneiss in the Conyers, Georgia, Area, Donna D. Khallouf, Lester J. Williams
- Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Georgia Water Supplies: Implications for Community Water Systems, Phillip N. Albertson
- Precipitation, Ground-Water Use, and Ground-Water Levels in the Vicinity of the Savannah River Site, Georgia and South Carolina, 1992-2002, Gregory S. Cherry
- Water Use in Georgia, 2000; And Trends, 1950-2000, Julia L. Fanning
- Topographic Map Viewer for Georgia, Jack Alhadeff, D. V. Alhadeff, T. R. Dyar and J. W. Musser
- Active Learning - Water-Quality Education for Youth at the Annual Natural Resources Conservation Workshop Field Day, Tifton, Georgia, Kristin Ling Smith, M. Brian Gregory and B. Joel Wood
- An Overview of Water-Resource Issues in the Middle and Lower Flint River Subbasins, Southwest Georgia, Debbie Warner, Virgil Norton
- Flood-Tracking Chart, Flint River Basin, Brian L. Cochran, Brian E. McCallum, Timothy C. Stamey and Caryl J. Wipperfurth,
- Development of an Estimated Water-Table Map for Coastal Georgia and Adjacent Parts of Florida and South Carolina, Michael F. Peck, Dorothy F. Payne
- Development of a Water-use Database for Use in Coastal Region Ground-Water Models, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida , 1980-2000, Da'Vette A. Taylor, Jaime A. Painter and Dorothy F. Payne
- Water Quality and Upland Wetland Aquatic Communities of Cumberland Island, Georgia, 1999-2000, Elizabeth A. Frick, M. Brian Gregory, Daniel L. Calhoun and Evelyn H. Hopkins
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 2001
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Ground-water Monitoring and Effects of the 1998-2000 Drought on Ground-water Levels in Georgia, Kristen B. McSwain and Nancy Barber
- Effects of Drought on Stream Discharge and Ground-water Levels Near Lake Seminole, Southwestern Georgia and Northwestern Florida, October 1999 - August 2000, Melinda S. Mosner
- Physical and Hydrochemical Evidence of Surface-water/Ground-water Mixing in and near Lake Seminole, Southwestern Georgia and Northwestern Florida, Lynn J. Torak
- Comparison of Pre- and Post-impoundment Ground-water Levels near the Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam Site, Jackson County, Florida, Phillip N. Albertson
- Simulated Effects of Pumpage and Climatic Conditions on Stream-aquifer Flow in Streams Harboring Federally Protected Mussel Species, Northwestern Florida and Southwestern Georgia (Poster ), Phillip N. Albertson
- Using the Digital Environmental Atlas of Georgia, S.J. Alhadeff; J.W. Musser and John O'Looney
- Using the Digital Surface-water Annual Data Report for Georgia, S.J. Alhadeff, M.N. Landers
- Managing Information About the Failure of Drinking Water Sources: Identifying a Baseline for the Development of the Next Generation of Water Management Information Systems, B.E. McCallum and D.V. Alhadeff
- Georgia HydroWatch - A New Concept in Hydrologic Monitoring for Georgia, John K. Joiner and Brian E. McCallum, J. John Feldt,Lans Rothfusz, Ed Martin and Memphis Vaughan, Jr.
- Urbanization Effects on Streamflow in the Atlanta, Georgia Area, Norman E. Peters , and Seth Rose
- Presence of Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater Effluent and Drinking Water, Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, July-September 1999, Elizabeth A. Frick
- Composition and Changes in Atmospheric Deposition near Atlanta, Georgia, 1986-99, Norman E. Peters and Brent T. Aulenbach ; and Tilden P. Meyers,
- A Conceptual Program for Water Quality Monitoring in the Upper Chattahoochee River Basin in Georgia, Brian E. McCallum and Arthur J. Horowitz
- Estimating Chattahoochee River Tributary Stream Temperatures in the Vicinity of Atlanta, Georgia, Thomas R. Dyar and S.J. Alhadeff
- Indicator-bacteria Concentrations in Streams of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, March 1999-April 2000, M. Brian Gregory and Elizabeth A. Frick
- Field Monitoring of Bridge Scour in Georgia, Anthony J. Gotvald and Mark N. Landers
- Water-quality Monitoring in Gwinnett County, Paul D. Ankcorn and Mark N. Landers ; and Janet P. Vick
- Trichloroethene Presence in Rottenwood Creak Near Air Force Plant 6, Marietta, Georgia, Summer 2000, Gerard J. Gonthier and Jonathan P. Waddell
- Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories, Univ. of Georgia ; William Segars,Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences, UGA; and Kristen B. McSwain
- Use of Ground-water Flow Models for Simulation of Water-management Scenarios for Coastal Georgia and Adjacent Parts of South Carolina, John S. Clarke and Richard E. Krause
- Saltwater Contamination in the Upper Floridan Aquifer at Brunswick, Georgia, L. Elliott Jones
- Using Marine Reflection Seismics to Identify Potential Seawater Intrusion Sites in the Upper Floridan Aquifer of Coastal Georgia and South Carolina Hydrogeology and Water Quality of the Preliminary Numerical Models of Saltwater Transport in Coastal Georgia and Southeastern South Carolina, D.F. Payne, A.M. Provost and C.I. Voss
- Preliminary Simulation of Pond-aquifer Flow and Water Availability at a Seepage Pond Near Brunswick, Georgia, Malek Abu-Ruman, and John S. Clarke
- New Watershed Boundary Map for Georgia, Mark N. Landers and Keith McFadden ; and Jimmy R. Bramblett,
- Summary of Fecal-coliform Bacteria Concentrations in Streams of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, May-Oct. 1994 and 1995, M. Brian Gregory and Elizabeth A. Frick
- Saltwater Contamination of Ground Water at Brunswick, Georgia and Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Richard E. Krause and John S. Clarke
- Linkage of Offshore and Onshore Hydrogeologic Data for Coastal Georgia and Adjacent Parts of South Carolina and Florida Using a Geographic Information System, Michael T. Laitta
- Hydrogeologic Conditions at Two Seepage Ponds in the Coastal Area of Georgia, August 1999 to February 2001, Michael F. Peck and John S. Clarke; Malek Abu-Ruman and Michael T. Laitta
- Use of Two-dimensional Direct-current-resistivity Profiling to Detect Fracture Zones in a Crystalline Rock Aquifer near Lawrenceville, Georgia, Lester J. Williams and Marcel Belaval
- Public-supply Water Use in the Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia Area, 1995-2000, Julia L. Fanning
- Summary of Streamflow Conditions for Calendar Year 2000 in Georgia, Timothy C. Stamey
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 1999
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Relation of Land Use to Nutrient and Suspended-Sediment Concentrations, Loads, and Yields in the Upper Chattahoochee River Basin, Georgia, 1993-98, Elizabeth A. Frick and Gary R. Buell
- Can Land-use Patterns Serve as a Predictor of Pesticide Occurrence Within an Urban Landscape? Evelyn H. Hopkins and Daniel J. Hippe
- Assessing Water Quality in the Mobile River Basin, J. Brian Atkins
- Evaluating Water Quality of Navigable Waters in Georgia Using a Geographic Information System, Diane C. Burgoon and Keith W. McFadden
- Aquifer Interconnection in Eastern Chatham County, Georgia, as Indicated by Hydraulic and Water Chemistry Data , John S. Clarke, Cardwell H. Smith and James B. McConnell
- Summary of Selected U.S. Geological Survey Programs in Georgia, with Emphasis on Water Resources Investigations, Steven D. Craigg and John S. Clarke
- Water Use in Coastal Georgia by County and Source for 1997 and Trends, 1980-97, Julia L. Fanning
- Water Levels in the Upper Floridian Aquifer in the Coastal Area of Georgia, 1996, Michel F. Peck
- Hydrogeology of the Lawrenceville Area, Georgia, Melinda J. Chapman, Thomas J. Crawford
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 1997
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Environmental Distribution of Mercury Related to Land Use and Physicochemical Setting in Watersheds of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Carol A. Couch
- Transport of Trace Elements and Semi-volatile Organic Compounds in Fluvial Sediments of the Lower Flint River (Georgia) and Apalachicola River (Georgia,Florida, Alabama) Basins During Tropical Storm Alberto, July 1994, Gary R. Buell
- World Wide Web Access to U.S. Geological Survey Publications and Data: Apalachicola- Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama, 1992-95, Jerry W. Garrett, Howard A. Perlman, and Judith D. ScholzMarianna Lowlands Districts, Southwestern Georgia and Adjacent Areas of Alabama and Florida, Daniel J. Hippe
- Hydrologic Unit Mapping in Georgia, Mark N. Landers
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Nutrient Concentrations in Surface Waters of the Chattahoochee River Basin Near Atlanta, Georgia, Norman E. Peters, Gary R. Buell, and Elizabeth A. Frick
- Upper Chattahoochee River Basin, Georgia, 1992-95, Elizabeth A. Frick, Joseph C. DeVivo, Carol A. Couch, and Byron J. Freeman
- Effects of Acidic Deposition on Water Quality and Forest Health in Georgia, Thomas G. Huntington and Richard P. Hooper
- Technical Problems with Implementing a Statewide Sediment Control Program, Art Horowitz
- Characterization of a Crystalline-rock Aquifer Near Lawrenceville, Georgia: Application of Advances in Borehole and Surface Geophysical Methods, Melinda J. Chapman, David W. Hicks , Michael F. Peck, and W. Todd Tharpe
- Use of Ground-penetrating Radar to Characterize Hydrostratigraphic Units Within a Georgia Coastal Plain Province, Moderator: David W. Hicks
- Saltwater Intrusion in the Floridan Aquifer System, Northeastern Florida, Rick M. Spechler and G.G. Phelps
- Hydraulic Properties of the Karstic Upper Floridan Aquifer Near Albany, Georgia, Debbie Warner
- Nature of Groundwater Aquifers in the Upper Coastal Plain of Georgia and South CarolinaThe Spatial Distribution of Dissolved Pesticides in Surface Water of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin in Relation to Land Use and Pesticide Runoff-Potential Ratings, May 1994, Daniel J. Hippe and Jerry W. Garrett
- Ground-water Management in Coastal Georgia and Adjacent Parts of South Carolina and Florida: I. Ground-water Resources and Constraints to Development,Richard E. Krause
- Ground-water Management in Coastal Georgia and Adjacent Parts of South Carolina and Florida: II. Numerical Ground-water Modeling,L. Elliot Jones
- The Necessity for Water Supply Management Planning by Local GovernmentsGround-water Flow and Stream-aquifer Relations Near the Savannah River Site, Georgia and South Carolina, John S. Clarke
- Estimation of Baseflow From Streamflow Data in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint and the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basins, L. Elliot Jones and Gregory C. Mayer
- Analysis of Ground-Water Withdrawals from a Crystalline-rock Aquifer Near Lawrenceville, Georgia, W. Todd Tharpe, Michael F. Peck, and Melinda J. Chapman
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 1995
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Hydrology of the Flood of '94 in Georgia, Tim Hale
- Study Design for USGS's National Water Quality Assessment Program for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, David J. Wangsness
- Pesticide Occurrence and Temporal Distribution in Streams Draining Urban and Agricultural Basins in Georgia and Florida, 1993-94, Daniel Hippe, Hilda Hatzell, Lisa Ham and Patricia Hardy
- Water Quality in Surficial Aquifers in Two Agricultural Areas in Georgia, Alabama and Florida, Elizabeth A. Frick and Christy A. Crandall
- Environmental Distribution of Organochlorine Compounds in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Gary R. Buell and Carol A. Couch
- Effect of Restricted Phosphate Detergent Use and Mandated Upgrades at Two Wastewater Treatment Facilities on Water Quality, Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, 1988-1993, Joseph DeVivo, Elizabeth Frick, Daniel Hippe and Gary Buell
- Panel Discussion: Sediments and Water Quality, Art Horowitz
- Benchmark Farms for Estimating Irrigation Water Use in Georgia, Julia L. Fanning
- Floods in Central and Southwestern Georgia in July 1994, Timothy C. Stamey
- The Independence Day Flood of 1994, and Effects on Water Levels in the Upper Floridan Aquifer, Albany Area, Georgia, David W. Hicks
- NAWQA Program: Water Quality Conditions and Mass Transport in the Flint River, Southwestern Georgia, Related to the Flood of July 1994, Caused by Tropical Storm Alberto, Daniel J. Hippe and Jerry W. Garrett
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 1993
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- National Water Quality Assessment Program: Overview of the Apalachicola- Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, David J. Wangsness
- National Water Quality Assessment Program: Environmental Setting of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Carol A. Couch
- National Water Quality Assessment Program: Analysis of Available Information on Pesticides for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Susan M. Stell
- National Water Quality Assessment Program: A Preliminary Evaluation of 1990 Nutrient Loads for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Elizabeth A. Frick, Susan M. Stell, and Gary R. Buell
- Water Use in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, 1990, Richard L. Marella
- Interactive Display and Query of Near Real-time Data from a Hydrologic Alert Network, Timothy Libermann, Janet Ciegler, and Susan Lambert
- Measuring Hydrologic Droughts in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Influence of Climate on Public-Supply System Water Use in Georgia, Julia Fanning
- David Bosch, USDA-ARS Southeast Watershed Research Lab, and David Hicks
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 1991
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Water Use in Georgia, 1980-89, Julia L. Fanning
- Ground-water Availability in the South Metropolitan Atlanta Region, Georgia, John S. Clarke and Michael F. Peck
- High-yielding Wells in Metamorphic Rocks: Influencing Factors, Melinda J. Chapman, and Thomas J. Crawford
- Georgia Stream Temperature Characteristics, Thomas R. Dyar and S. Jack Alhadeff
- Field Testing Pesticide Transport Models at a Cooperative Test Site Near Plains, Georgia, Charles N. Smith, David Brown, Rudolph Parrish, Loris Asmussen,Ralph Leonard, D. Woodrow Hicks; William Payne and R. Shaw Fletcher
- hydrogeologic Evaluations for High-yieldingWells in the Piedmont Province of Georgia and Alabama, Thomas Crawford
Georgia Water Resources Conference, 1989
Athens, Georgia
PDF versions of these presentations are available at the GWRI Website.
- Water Use and Power Generation in Georgia, Julia L. Fanning, U.S. Geological Survey
- Development of Water-table and Depth to Water Maps for the Southeastern United States Using a Geographic Information System, John S. Clarke, and Jerry W. Sorensen and George Collins
- The 1986 and 1988 Droughts in Georgia, Jeffrey T. Armbruster
- Potential Pesticide Contamination in Ground-water Recharge Areas: A Model Simulation, L.E. Asmussen, D.W. Hicks, R.A. Leonard and W.G. Knisel