SPCMSC scientist invited to co-author a chapter of the first National Nature Assessment
SPCMSC scientist has been invited to author a chapter in the first-ever National Nature Assessment report describing threats to the Nation's natural ecosystems, which will be produced in fall 2026 with contributions from over 150 experts.
The Nation’s natural ecosystems are increasingly threatened by climate change and other disturbances. To better understand the impact of these disturbances, the U.S. Global Change Research Program is working to produce the first-ever National Nature Assessment (NNA1), which will complement National Climate Assessment . Over the next two years, NNA1 authors will take stock of what nature provides to us in terms of its inherent worth, our culture, health and well-being, jobs and livelihoods, and safety, and more, while looking ahead to understand how these benefits might change in the future. SPCMSC Research Physical Scientist Dr. Lauren Toth was invited to co-author a cross-cutting chapter titled “Nature and Climate Change,” which will provide a focused evaluation of the impacts of climate change on nature, interactions between climate, nature, and society, and opportunities for nature-based climate solutions.
The report will be produced by more than 150 experts across government, non-profits, and academia (Full author list).
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