Congratulations to Dr. Paul Hershberger for Winning this Issue’s Photo Contest!
USGS Western Fisheries Research Center (WFRC), Supervisory Research Fish Biologist, Dr. Paul Hershberger, is the winner of this issues’ photo contest. The image shows WFRC scientists sampling sea asparagus with SEALASKA intern Jossline Aranda-Jackson.
Jossline spent the summer at the WFRC and was integrated into many aspects of fish health (virology, microbiology, immunology, toxicology, histopathology, and physiology) and fish ecology (bioenergetics, food webs, artificial light at night, dam removal).
Activities involved shadowing scientists during their daily work activities and assisting with experimental set up, sampling, and break down. Additionally, the intern completed a capstone project focused on aspects of fish immunology or toxicology under the guidance of Dr. Prarthana Shankar.
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