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Bathymetric and Topographic Survey of the Platte River and associated chutes near the Nebraska Army National Guard Camp Ashland Training Site, 2019-2020

October 13, 2022

These data are the survey results from a five-mile section of the Platte River at, and upstream of the Nebraska Army National Guard Camp Ashland Training Site including the side channel chutes on the east bank. All survey data were collected along planned transect lines that were spaced 492.125 US survey feet apart beginning near the mouth of the Elkhorn River and ending near the U.S. Highway 6 bridge. An effort was made to get complete elevation data for each transect from top of bank to top of bank. Survey grade Global Navigation and Satellite Systems (GNSS) receiving antennas connected to a real time network (RTK high precision network were used to measure elevation along the transects, at the top of banks, along the slope of the banks, at control structures, on islands and sandbars and on the streambed in areas of the wetted channel that were wadable. GNSS data collection methods followed level 3, RTN procedures as described by (Rydlund and Densmore, 2012). An acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) was used to measure streambed elevation in areas of the wetted channel that were not wadable. ADCP data were processed using Velocity Mapping Toolbox (Parsons and others, 2013) to convert measured depths to elevation. This data release contains two comma separated value files. The CSV file named PlatteRiver_GNSS_SurveyData_20200924-20210402.csv contains the GNSS survey data. The CSV file named Bathy_ADCP_final_data_SPCS.csv contains bathymetric survey data.

Publication Year 2022
Title Bathymetric and Topographic Survey of the Platte River and associated chutes near the Nebraska Army National Guard Camp Ashland Training Site, 2019-2020
DOI 10.5066/P9F83207
Authors Cory L Kavan
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog
USGS Organization Nebraska Water Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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