This digital dataset contains the monthly inflows and diversions to the surface-water network in the updated Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM2) for water years 1922-2019. The surface-water network simulates the Central Valley’s complex conveyance network through the Streamflow Routing Package (SFR2) and the Farm-Process (FMP4) at 65 inflow locations with 271 stream segments and 13 bifurcations, and 571 diversion locations providing 564 of semi-routed diversions and 7 non-routed diversions. The semi-routed deliveries are routed through the simulated surface-water network, while the non-routed delivery is simulated through linkages between the SFR2 and FMP4 packages in MODFLOW-OWHM. Surface water data for CVHM2 is presented in two [...]