Data and estimates for wet deposition and streamwater solute fluxes at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Stockbridge, Ga., water years 1986-2016
This dataset contains the data and results of an analysis estimating wet deposition and streamwater solute fluxes at Panola Mountain Research Watershed (PMRW), Panola Mountain State Park, Stockbridge, Georgia for water years 1986-2016. The PMRW is a small (41 ha), relatively undisturbed, forested headwater catchment in the Piedmont Province of Southeastern United States. This data provides the basis for using a watershed mass-balance approach, in which inputs and outputs of water and solutes are quantified and compared to better understand hydrologic and biogeochemical processes on a watershed scale. The dataset contains 13 datasets consisting of a variety of data series and results, which are summarized herein including their purpose(s): (1) Precipitation amount (1-minute time-step) used to estimate wet deposition, for predicting monthly soil moisture, and as variables in most of the streamwater concentration regression models. (2) Precipitation water quality (mostly weekly composite samples) used to estimate wet deposition. (3) Streamwater stage and flow (5-minute time-step, 1-minute during stormflow) used to estimate streamwater solute fluxes, for predicting monthly soil moisture, and as variables in the streamwater concentration regression models. (4) Stream water quality (discrete weekly and storm samples) used to estimate streamwater solute fluxes using a regression-based approach. (5) 13-year soil moisture time-series from a profile with 3 depths (15, 40, and 70 cm; 5-minute time-step), which represents shallow watershed storage, which was used to classify climatic conditions of some solutes (separate concentration regression models were developed for each climate category). (6) Data, calibration variables, and predictions for a USGS monthly water-balance program used to model monthly watershed soil moisture when measured soil moisture data was unavailable. (7) Unit-value base flow (as determined from a hydrograph separation using the Eckhardt filter), which was used to calculate the base-flow ratio that was a variable within a few of the streamwater concentration regression models. The hydrograph separation also defined base-flow and stormflow periods used to determine the base-flow and rising limb indicator variables used by most of the concentration models. Estimates of wet deposition for 9 solutes, summarized on (8) daily, (9) monthly, and (10) annual time-steps. Streamwater solute flux estimates for 10 solutes, summarized on (11) daily and (12) annual time-steps. (13) A dataset of edit code descriptions used by the unit-value precipitation amount, streamwater stage and flow, and soil moisture time-series.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2019 |
Title | Data and estimates for wet deposition and streamwater solute fluxes at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Stockbridge, Ga., water years 1986-2016 |
DOI | 10.5066/P94JC2PD |
Authors | Brent T Aulenbach |
Product Type | Data Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |
USGS Organization | South Atlantic Water Science Center |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |