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Mapping enhanced grazing potential based on the NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Land-use Trends (NWALT) product

May 19, 2016

This dataset provides an additional "Grazing Potential" land use class to the already-published USGS NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Land-use Trends (NWALT) product (Falcone, 2015, USGS Data Series 948). As with the NWALT, the dataset consists of five national 60-m land use grids, for the years 1974, 1982, 1992, 2002, 2012. The only change to the dataset is, for every year, some pixels which are class 50 "Low-use" in the NWALT, are reclassified to a new class 46 "Grazing Potential Expanded". The purpose of the re-classification is to identify areas which are likely to have had at least some grazing activity based on agreement of historical land cover/use datasets, and not already captured as another land use class by the original NWALT. The re-classification occurred as follows: pixel would otherwise be in class 50 (Low Use), is in an Agriculture or Grazed class in Marschner and Anderson (1967), is in an Agriculture or Rangeland class in 1970s-era GIRAS, and is in a Grassland/Herbaceous class (71) in the NLCD 2011, without restrictions to proximity to water or slope.

Falcone, J.A., 2015, U.S. conterminous wall-to-wall anthropogenic land use trends (NWALT), 19742012: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 948, 33 p. plus appendixes 36 as separate files,

Marschner, F.J. and Anderson, J.R., 1967, Major land uses in the United States, U.S. Geological Survey,

Publication Year 2016
Title Mapping enhanced grazing potential based on the NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Land-use Trends (NWALT) product
DOI 10.5066/F7CR5RFF
Authors James A. Falcone
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Water Resources Mission Area - Headquarters
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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