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Observation Data of Migratory Birds during Spring and Fall Migration and their use of Habitats in the Yakutat Foreland of Alaska

August 25, 2022

This data package presents raw legacy data collected during 1980 on the Yakutat Forelands of southeast Alaska. The data were collected to identify and understand the occurrence and distribution of birds and mammals in the ocean and wetlands near Yakutat. Migration "sea watches", aerial surveys, and ground plot surveys were conducted in the foreland area of Yakutat in spring (April - May) and fall (August - October) of 1980. The data are presented as PDF files of digitally scanned information as follows: 1) original field data forms describing migration "sea watches" in spring and fall, 2) original field data forms describing aerial survey observations of migratory birds in spring and fall, 3) photos, maps, and notes describing locations of aerial survey observations, 4) original field data of birds observed on ground plots in spring and fall, 5) original field data of habitat classifications for ground plots, 6) original field data of observations of habitat use by migratory birds, and 7) notes on images and maps used in analyses of habitat data.

Legacy Metadata (download)

Suggested Citation: Petersen, M.R., 2022, Observational data of migratory birds during spring and fall migration and their use of habitats in the Yakutat Foreland of Alaska in 1980: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

This data package supports raw legacy data collected during 1980 on the Yakutat Forelands of Alaska. The data were collected to support a short-term study of waterbird migration patterns and habitat use during spring (April - May) and fall (August - October). The primary objectives of the study included: 1) determine the timing and rates of migration by waterbirds; 2) correlate observed patterns of migration with weather; 3) determine the use of estuarine and riverine systems by waterbirds during migration; 4) determine the use of wetlands and deep-water habitats by migrant waterfowl and shorebirds.

About the Legacy Data

In spring and fall of 1980, biologists with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Biological Services- Coastal Ecosystems (precursor to USFWS Alaska Region departments and ultimately the Ecosystems Office at the USGS Alaska Science Center) collected observational data on birds and marine and terrestrial mammals occurring within the Yakutat Forelands of Alaska. Primary results were summarized in Petersen et al. (1981; see 'Related Reports and Publications').

This U.S. Geological Survey Data Release is a collection of original field data, maps, notes, and infrared photographs. All documents and photographs have been digitally scanned in PDF format and are archived along with original physical copies at the USGS Alaska Science Center.

Data Constraints

Observational raw data, notes, maps, and infrared photographs are available for download in PDF format upon request by contacting All PDF documents were checked for accuracy and completeness prior to retirement by the principal investigator. Finally, all PDF documents are provided “as is” and do not follow 508 compliance standards.

Please note: All bird species checklists have been submitted to the eBird database hosted by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology ( Checklists are also available as a data download from USGS Alaska Science Center under the :Southeast” region (Bird Species Checklists from USGS Alaska Science Center Field Camps).

Data Inventory

  • Bird and Mammal Taxonomy List
    • Taxonomic species list of all birds and mammal recorded duringaerial and ground plot surveys. List includes order, family, genus, species,common name, historical common name, and species codes. Corresponds to all species lists described in the inventory below:

Migration Sea Watches

  • Bird and Mammal Species Surveys (marine)
    • RAW DATA: Bird and mammal species observed during daily 15-min increment counts in spring and fall of 1980 [2 documents; 22.7 MB]
    • PROCESSED DATA: Summary of bird species observed on specific dates in April-October of 1980 [1 document; 7.10 MB]

Migration Aerial Surveys

  • Bird and Mammal Species Surveys (aerial)
    • RAW DATA: Aerial observation of bird and mammal species by day and location (i.e., intertidal or rivers) via a Turbo Beaver or Piper Super Cub aircraft [1 document; 16.9 MB]
    • MAPS: Aerial survey routes indicated on maps [1 document; 436 KB]
    • NOTES: Aerial survey distances and notes on flight routes and species observed [2 documents [2 documents; 13.8 MB]

Migration Ground Plots

  • Bird Species Lists (ground-based)
    • RAW DATA: Bird lists from walking surveys by day and species. Spring and fall are combined on data sheets [1 document; 1.12 MB]
  • Habitat Classification
    • RAW DATA: Vegetation classification (Viereck and Dyrness 1980) and the corresponding bird habitat (Kessel 1979) code for ground-based survey plots [1 document;  1.15 MB]
  • Habitat Use
    • RAW DATA: Habitat use by birds including date, weather, location, species, and activity [1 document; 4.34 MB]

Migration Species Accounts

  • Bird and Mammal Observation Summary
    • PROCESSED DATA: Summary of bird and mammal species observed during sea watch and ground plot surveys [1 document; 8.28 MB]
    • NOTES: Handwritten notes summarizing date, location, survey type and species observed [1 document; 21.2 MB]

Migration Habitat

  • Habitat Classification
    • PHOTOS: Color infrared photographs of the Yakutat Forelands [1 document; 2.54 MB]
    • MAPS: Identification of vegetation classes by interpreting color infrared maps [1 document; 1.69 MB]
Publication Year 2022
Title Observation Data of Migratory Birds during Spring and Fall Migration and their use of Habitats in the Yakutat Foreland of Alaska
DOI 10.5066/P9OF3NRM
Authors Margaret R. Petersen
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Alaska Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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