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Remotely sensed data and field measurements for mapping visible dye concentrations during a tracer experiment on the Missouri River near Columbia, MO, May 5, 2021

February 22, 2022

This data release includes field spectra, UAS-based RGB videos, and digital orthophotography acquired from a manned fixed-wing aircraft, as well as in situ measurements of turbidity and Rhodamine WT dye concentration acquired during a tracer experiment performed on the Missouri River near Columbia, Missouri, on May 5, 2021. One of the primary goals of this tracer experiment was to assess the feasibility of inferring concentrations of a visible dye (Rhodamine WT) from various types of remotely sensed data in a large, highly turbid natural river channel. Previous research on remote sensing of tracer dye concentrations has focused on clear-flowing streams, but the Missouri River is much more turbid. As a result, the effect of the dye on the reflectance of the water could be obscured by the effects of suspended sediment on reflectance. This experiment thus provided an initial test of the potential to map dye concentrations from remotely sensed data in more turbid rivers like the Missouri, where tracer studies involving the release of a visible dye can provide insight regarding the dispersal of endangered sturgeon larvae.

This parent data release includes links to child pages for several data sets produced during the experiment:
Field spectra recorded during several passes back and forth across the river channel as the plume of Rhodamine WT dye passed by. The data consist of reflectance measurements obtained above the water surface over the wavelength range from 400-900 nm.
RGB (red-green-blue) videos acquired from an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) hovering above the river to observe the passage of the dye plulse over the course of the experiment.
Digital orthophotography acquired from a fixed wing, manned aircraft during eight separate passes along the river to capture a set of more extensive, reach-scale snapshots of the dye pattern at different points in time throughout the course of the tracer experiment.
In situ measurements of turbidity and Rhodamine WT dye concentration logged by sondes on-board the boat from which field spectra were collected.
In situ measurements of turbidity and Rhodamine WT dye concentration logged by sondes at seven discrete, fixed locations within the study area.
Please refer to the individual child pages for further detail about each data set. Overall, these data were used to assess the potential for estimating tracer dye concentrations in turbid rivers from various types of remotely sensed data.

Publication Year 2022
Title Remotely sensed data and field measurements for mapping visible dye concentrations during a tracer experiment on the Missouri River near Columbia, MO, May 5, 2021
DOI 10.5066/P9JDISO3
Authors Carl J Legleiter, Brandon J Sansom, Robert B Jacobson
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog
USGS Organization Water Resources Mission Area - Headquarters
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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